animetosho / Nyuu

Flexible usenet binary posting tool
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Job Queue #11

Open mrsieb opened 7 years ago

mrsieb commented 7 years ago

I wonder how to handel more jobs. Is there a smart way to send a upload task to the same instance and continue automaticaly if the ongoing is done ?

mrsieb commented 7 years ago

I tried to queue it up with detached screen sessions but

  1. nyuu terminates screen session when its done
  2. i can not send nyuu to a named session with parameter -X of screen

Usually this works great.. screen -d -m -S queue screen -S queue -X stuff "echo first^M" screen -S queue -X stuff "echo second^M"

animetosho commented 7 years ago

Nyuu doesn't have any explicit job control at the moment. I can't test it now, but I wouldn't have thought that it does anything special with screen though.

Maybe an alternative?

Or just simply pasting commands into a running terminal might work.

mrsieb commented 7 years ago

I am fine now, with the task spooler, does exactly what i need also nice control over the pending tasks. Any how it would be a great feature of nyuu if it's has his own tasksheduler. Like starting nyuu -listeningmode:tcp||http:1234 and then send the standard paramters over this port with curl - f foo@bar foofile tcp://localhost:1234 in a queue , maybe also possibel with the allready implemented --progress http||tcp option. Anyhow I love nyuu thanks for this great alternativ, just one question more how ist going with the parpar integration ?

animetosho commented 7 years ago

Glad to hear that you got it working, and thanks for the suggestion. I can't really comment on ParPar integration - it happens when it happens.