animetosho / Nyuu

Flexible usenet binary posting tool
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Posting to multiple servers #80

Open theckld opened 4 years ago

theckld commented 4 years ago

Can you please add the ability to post to more multiple servers?

animetosho commented 4 years ago

The functionality is there - you'll need to configure it via the config file as it's not exposed in the command-line argument interface.

If you specify multiple servers, it just randomly distributes posts across all the connections.

theckld commented 4 years ago

How can I specify multiple servers in the config file? I have tried adding multiple server options sections but it does not seem to work, it will only picks the last one defined. And what about header checking? its options will be related to which server if more than one are defined?

animetosho commented 4 years ago

It won't work with the simple JSON based config file (which essentially uses the same interface as the command line). You'll need to use the full Javascript based config file (which means you can no longer use the JSON config file).
You can use the default config.js as a sample.

Example config file with two servers (you'll obviously need to change the details):

module.exports = {
servers: [
    // server 1 (full config displayed)
        // connection options - see the following pages for full documentation
        // non-SSL:
        // SSL:
        connect: { // connection options
            host: 'localhost',
            port: null, // null => if, port=563, else, port=119

            // SSL options
            rejectUnauthorized: true,

            highWaterMark: 0, // disable node's internal bufferring to improve our timings (we always send full chunks, so bufferring by node isn't needed)
        secure: false, // set to true to use SSL
        user: '',
        password: '',
        // note that these times are specified in miliseconds
        timeout: 30000, // 30000ms = 30 seconds
        connTimeout: 30000, // 30 seconds
        postTimeout: 150000, // 2.5 minutes
        reconnectDelay: 15000, // 15 seconds
        connectRetries: 1,
        requestRetries: 5, // how many times to retry an interrupted request
        retryBadResp: false, // enable retrying if a bad response is received
        postRetries: 1, // how many times to retry if server returns 441 response to posted article
        postRetryDelay: 0, // delay post retries (above option) by this many milliseconds
        postFailReconnect: false, // treat post failure like a connection-level error; postRetries and postRetryDelay settings are ignored if true
        errorTeardown: false, // false = gracefully close bad connections, true = forcefully destroy them
        closeTimeout: 10000, // 10 seconds; wait period before forcefully dropping gracefully closed connections
        keepAlive: false, // always reconnect on error, even if not needed
        onPostTimeout: null, // list of actions (strings) to take if server sends no response to a post; values can be 'retry', 'strip-hdr=X' and 'ignore'; if not set (null), defaults to ['retry','retry','retry'...] where the number of elements == requestRetries
        tcpKeepAlive: false, // false to disable, otherwise set a number for probe interval (in ms)
        uploadChunkSize: 192*1024, // break up post into chunks of this size when uploading; 0 to disable chunking
        postMethod: 'POST', // command to use when posting; can be POST, IHAVE, XREPLIC or TAKETHIS

        postConnections: 3, // number of connections for posting
        checkConnections: 0, // number of connections used for checking


    // server 2
        // connection options - see the following pages for full documentation
        // non-SSL:
        // SSL:
        connect: { // connection options
            host: 'localhost',
            port: null, // null => if, port=563, else, port=119

            // SSL options
            rejectUnauthorized: true,

            highWaterMark: 0, // disable node's internal bufferring to improve our timings (we always send full chunks, so bufferring by node isn't needed)
        secure: false, // set to true to use SSL
        user: '',
        password: '',
        // note that these times are specified in miliseconds
        timeout: 30000, // 30000ms = 30 seconds
        connTimeout: 30000, // 30 seconds
        postTimeout: 150000, // 2.5 minutes
        reconnectDelay: 15000, // 15 seconds
        connectRetries: 1,
        requestRetries: 5, // how many times to retry an interrupted request
        retryBadResp: false, // enable retrying if a bad response is received
        postRetries: 1, // how many times to retry if server returns 441 response to posted article
        postRetryDelay: 0, // delay post retries (above option) by this many milliseconds
        postFailReconnect: false, // treat post failure like a connection-level error; postRetries and postRetryDelay settings are ignored if true
        errorTeardown: false, // false = gracefully close bad connections, true = forcefully destroy them
        closeTimeout: 10000, // 10 seconds; wait period before forcefully dropping gracefully closed connections
        keepAlive: false, // always reconnect on error, even if not needed
        onPostTimeout: null, // list of actions (strings) to take if server sends no response to a post; values can be 'retry', 'strip-hdr=X' and 'ignore'; if not set (null), defaults to ['retry','retry','retry'...] where the number of elements == requestRetries
        tcpKeepAlive: false, // false to disable, otherwise set a number for probe interval (in ms)
        uploadChunkSize: 192*1024, // break up post into chunks of this size when uploading; 0 to disable chunking
        postMethod: 'POST', // command to use when posting; can be POST, IHAVE, XREPLIC or TAKETHIS

        postConnections: 3, // number of connections for posting
        checkConnections: 0, // number of connections used for checking


isFullConfig: true

Unfortunately, it's a bit complicated at the moment, as there's no simple interface to get it to work. I might try to come up with something to simplify configuring multiple servers eventually.

theckld commented 4 years ago

Nice! I managed to get it working now. Thanks. It would also be great if you can add some failover mechanism in case one article failed to post at one server to retry posting it with another server.