animetosho / Nyuu

Flexible usenet binary posting tool
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Post retry handling question #97

Closed jrehmer closed 1 year ago

jrehmer commented 1 year ago

I am using nyuu with these flags:

-k1 --check-tries 3 --check-delay 5 --check-post-tries 3 --dump-failed-posts

Occasionally due to things happening upstream an article is accepted by the server I am posting to, but not relayed to the server responsible for filtering and propagating articles. nyuu reports this when it runs into this condition:

[WARN] Post check failed to find posted article MESSSAGE-ID; re-posting... (retry 1/3)

It never says it had to retry again or failed, but when I go check for that message ID it is never found. Is nyuu regenerating the message with a unique Message-ID?

I run the server I am posting to, and what is happening there is nnrpd is accepting the article but the upstream nnrpdposthost is not, so the article is filed in the incoming folder until a cron kicks off to process those 'failed' posts to the upstream.

So even though nyuu says the post didn't fail and only one retry was attempted, the Message-ID reported never did get propagated unless I wait for that cron on the posting server to process those. Now I'm wondering if nyuu is generating a new article with a unique Message-ID and I should not be re-processing the failed articles on the posting server.

animetosho commented 1 year ago

Is nyuu regenerating the message with a unique Message-ID?

Yes. You can suppress this behaviour with the --keep-message-id flag.

It's done like this by default because of issues like you describe - if the post-to server has the article but the check server doesn't, it's possible that re-posting would cause the article to be rejected, however Nyuu has no real way of understanding why. Regenerating the Message-ID removes that failure possibility.

jrehmer commented 1 year ago

Thanks, and apparently I need to take more time and read all of the options described in --help-full because I see there is also the option to change Message-ID generation which my other post inquires about. Thanks for your help and sorry for failing at life and reading your extensively documented list of options.