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Add AI assistance to write better stories #934

Closed wintermeyer closed 1 week ago

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago and the edit page of a story look like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-20 um 21 01 05

A lot of users are not born story tellers and they might have language problems. We should offer them help.

I'd like to add the following functionalities:

Use AI to do it. Feed the original story into the AI and return the output in the input field. We right the prompt in English but we tell the AI to use the language the story was written in.

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago

There should be a minimum length before the user can use this functionality (e.g. a minimum of 50 characters). Before that the button or link for that functionality is visible but disabled.

Kimutai01 commented 3 weeks ago

should this be on the content alone or also the header

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago

Only content. The header is fixed. But should be fed into the AI for context.

MICHAELMUNAVU83 commented 3 weeks ago

@wintermeyer should we have different button options for Lengthen the story, Shorten the story etc?

Kimutai01 commented 3 weeks ago

@wintermeyer another question After someone uses the AI can they use it again Does it deduct points?

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago

@wintermeyer another question After someone uses the AI can they use it again Does it deduct points?

It does not deduct points (an exemption).

I don’t know about the GUI. Fire at will. Please make sure that it is usable on mobile and desktop.

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago

They can use it again.

wintermeyer commented 3 weeks ago

Let us feed the AI not just with this story but with other existing stories of that user too and with all the white flags. So that the AI can generate a better and more natural sounding text. @wintermeyer will take care of the prompt fine-tuning later.

Kimutai01 commented 3 weeks ago

Okay I'll update it to take the previous stories This feature is almost done, I'm doing the streaming then I'll create a pr