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Switch statement #6

Open anishcana opened 3 months ago

anishcana commented 3 months ago



void processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; break; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; break; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; break; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; } }

int main() { std::uint8_t choice; std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): "; std::cin >> choice;


return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago



int processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; return 1; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; return 2; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; return 3; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; return -1; // Indicate invalid choice } }

int main() { std::uint8_t choice; std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): "; std::cin >> choice;

int selectedOption = processChoice(choice);

if(selectedOption == -1) {
    // Handle invalid choice
    return 1;

// Do something with the selectedOption if needed

return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago



enum class Mode { Mode1, Mode2, Mode3, Invalid };

Mode processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; return Mode::Mode1; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; return Mode::Mode2; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; return Mode::Mode3; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; return Mode::Invalid; } }

int main() { std::uint8_t choice; std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): "; std::cin >> choice;

Mode selectedMode = processChoice(choice);

switch(selectedMode) {
    case Mode::Mode1:
        // Do something for Mode 1
    case Mode::Mode2:
        // Do something for Mode 2
    case Mode::Mode3:
        // Do something for Mode 3
    case Mode::Invalid:
        // Handle invalid choice
        return 1;

return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago



struct ModeState { std::uint8_t state;

// Constructor to initialize state
ModeState(std::uint8_t initialState) : state(initialState) {}

// Function to update state
void updateState(std::uint8_t newState) {
    state = newState;


enum class Mode { Mode1 = 1, Mode2 = 2, Mode3 = 3, Invalid = -1 };

Mode processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; return Mode::Mode1; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; return Mode::Mode2; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; return Mode::Mode3; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; return Mode::Invalid; } }

int main() { // Define ModeState objects for each mode ModeState mode1State(0b00000001); // Example initial state for Mode 1 ModeState mode2State(0b00000010); // Example initial state for Mode 2 ModeState mode3State(0b00000100); // Example initial state for Mode 3

std::uint8_t choice;
std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): ";
std::cin >> choice;

Mode selectedMode = processChoice(choice);

switch(selectedMode) {
    case Mode::Mode1:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 1
        mode1State.updateState(0b00001000); // Example state update for Mode 1
    case Mode::Mode2:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 2
        mode2State.updateState(0b00010000); // Example state update for Mode 2
    case Mode::Mode3:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 3
        mode3State.updateState(0b00100000); // Example state update for Mode 3
    case Mode::Invalid:
        std::cout << " Invalid choice.";
        return 1;

return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago



// Define states for each mode std::uint8_t mode1State = 0b00000001; std::uint8_t mode2State = 0b00000010; std::uint8_t mode3State = 0b00000100;

enum class Mode { Mode1 = 1, Mode2 = 2, Mode3 = 3, Invalid = -1 };

Mode processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; return Mode::Mode1; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; return Mode::Mode2; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; return Mode::Mode3; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; return Mode::Invalid; } }

int main() { std::uint8_t choice; std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): "; std::cin >> choice;

Mode selectedMode = processChoice(choice);

switch(selectedMode) {
    case Mode::Mode1:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 1
        mode1State |= 0b00001000; // Example state update for Mode 1
    case Mode::Mode2:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 2
        mode2State |= 0b00010000; // Example state update for Mode 2
    case Mode::Mode3:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 3
        mode3State |= 0b00100000; // Example state update for Mode 3
    case Mode::Invalid:
        std::cout << " Invalid choice.";
        return 1;

return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago



// Define states for each mode in hexadecimal representation std::uint8_t mode1State = 0x01; std::uint8_t mode2State = 0x02; std::uint8_t mode3State = 0x04;

enum class Mode { Mode1 = 1, Mode2 = 2, Mode3 = 3, Invalid = -1 };

Mode processChoice(std::uint8_t choice) { switch(choice) { case 1: std::cout << "You chose option 1."; return Mode::Mode1; case 2: std::cout << "You chose option 2."; return Mode::Mode2; case 3: std::cout << "You chose option 3."; return Mode::Mode3; default: std::cout << "Invalid choice."; return Mode::Invalid; } }

int main() { std::uint8_t choice; std::cout << "Enter a number (1-3): "; std::cin >> choice;

Mode selectedMode = processChoice(choice);

switch(selectedMode) {
    case Mode::Mode1:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 1
        mode1State |= 0x08; // Example state update for Mode 1
    case Mode::Mode2:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 2
        mode2State |= 0x10; // Example state update for Mode 2
    case Mode::Mode3:
        // Access and modify state for Mode 3
        mode3State |= 0x20; // Example state update for Mode 3
    case Mode::Invalid:
        std::cout << " Invalid choice.";
        return 1;

return 0;


anishcana commented 3 months ago


public class ExcelReader { public static void main(String[] args) { // Assume wb is your Workbook object containing the Excel data Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); for (Row row : sheet) { for (Cell cell : row) { if (cell.getCellType() == CellType.ERROR) { if (cell.getErrorCellValue() == FormulaError.NA) { // Handle #N/A error System.out.println("Encountered #N/A error in cell " + cell.getAddress()); } } } } } }

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      FROM openjdk:17       VOLUME /tmp       EXPOSE 8080       ARG JAR_FILE=target/com-minikube-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar       ADD ${JAR_FILE} com-minikube-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar       ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/com-minikube-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]