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Leadership skills improve behavioral engagment #1091

Open anitsh opened 1 year ago

anitsh commented 1 year ago

In leadership good behaviours get you to the entrance gate of people’s emotions. consistent good behaviours get you past that gate as you start to spin the wheel of inspiration drivers in them. But if you truly want to differentiate yourself from the rest as a leader, then you must also embrace the principle of leadership skills development and deploy them in your own daily routines.

Behaviours and character in leadership are of critical importance. Without embracing the requirements in these areas then you have no chance of inspiring anybody. (The subject of a recent post) Yet at the same time they are not the full picture, it is also important to be clear on what skills you need to develop. These skills should be separated from functional skills usually associated with management, they fundamentally not he same

Leadership skills are the fuel that allow the benefits of behaviours to be fully realised - if you are complacent in skill development then your behaviours will not always have the desired impact. For example, we can behave in a reflective way, but if we do not refine our reflective skills and the conditions required then the impact of that behaviour will be diluted and lost

It is not acceptable for a leader to ask others to embrace growth, yet not be prepared to improve themselves -no leader is perfect.. we can get better - and we get better through improving skills

There are many leadership skills to develop, much about personal effectiveness- and these should not be dismissed. How you organise yourself materially affects how you deal with others

However, the most crucial skills are those which turbo charge your engagement model with others. The most important of these are captured in the infographic. They are

If a leader assesses themselves honestly and prioritises their skill needs against this and accepts they can improve then they will have the best chance of all to deliver-assuming -good behaviours stay consistent

For it is the triangle of character, consistent outstanding behaviours and developed leadership skills that will ultimately differentiate the beat from the rest - all three have to be delivered to drive the wheel of inspiration that energises us all.


anitsh commented 3 months ago
