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Different Mindsets #1118

Open anitsh opened 12 months ago

anitsh commented 12 months ago

If you want to create a continuous improvement culture, don't dive straight in with a change plan... always do a mindset check first!

A big takeaway from my years working with people and teams in organizations is that change and improvement cannot be implemented or sustained without the right mindsets.

I recommend looking at multiple mindsets as opposed to one mindset because it only takes one wrong mindset to mess up a good intention or plan.

There are a few questions I ask managers and supervisors when checking mindsets. These include:

💢 "What steps have you and your team taken recently to learn and improve. Are you willing to learn and improve" (GROWTH MINDSET)

💢 "How do you prioritize and address customer needs and feedback in your day-to-day work? Are you willing to do this going forward?" (CUSTOMER CENTRIC MINDSET)

💢 "Can you give me examples of where you actively involved team members or colleagues in decision-making and utilized their contributions to solve a problem or achieve a goal? Are you willing to do this going forward?" (PEOPLE FIRST MINDSET)

💢 "Can you describe a situation in which you identified an opportunity for improvement and took proactive steps to implement a change that had a positive impact on your work or the organization? Are you willing to take action now?" (PROACTIVE MINDSET)

💢 "When facing a challenge or encountering a mistake in your work, how do you typically approach it, and how do you encourage others to address issues without assigning blame? Are you willing to adopt a no-blame mindset going forward?" (NO-BLAME MINDSET)

💢 "How do you use data and analytics to inform your decision-making and drive continuous improvement in your work? Are you willing to collect and use data to inform improvement going forward?" (DATA DRIVEN MINDSET)

💢 "Can you provide an example of a long-term strategic initiative you've been involved in, where you demonstrated patience and perseverance in achieving meaningful change over time? Are you willing to take a long-term approach right now? (LONG-TERM THINKING MINDSET)

Asking these questions before starting into any change or improvement project helps you to understand the team's readiness for change. If you are the one leading the change, perhaps ask yourself these questions to help you identify any gaps in your own thinking.

If all mindsets are supportive, no issues and move ahead to the methodology piece. But if mindsets are unsupportive, there may be more communication required before starting into anything new.

What other mindsets do you think are important to support a culture of continuous improvement?
