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Algorithms #258

Open anitsh opened 4 years ago

anitsh commented 4 years ago

Prerequisite #150


Number-theoretic Algorithms Source:

Bit Manipulation

Dynamic Programming

Advanced Stuffs #453 #454

anitsh commented 4 years ago


A list of instructions for solving a problem A set of mathematical instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a problem

260 Problem Solving

Example: Euclid's Algorithm

Flowchart of an algorithm (Euclid's algorithm) for calculating the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two numbers a and b in locations named A and B. image

Designing an algorithm

General process of designing an algorithm:

  1. High-level description (Brainstorm, Mindmap) “…prose to describe an algorithm, ignoring the implementation details. At this level, we do not need to mention how the machine manages its tape or head."
  2. Implementation description (Pseudocode, Flow chart) “…prose used to define the way the Turing machine uses its head and the way that it stores data on its tape. At this level, we do not give details of states or transition function."
  3. Formal description (Code)

Typical steps in the development of algorithms:

  1. Problem definition
  2. Development of a model
  3. Specification of the algorithm
  4. Designing an algorithm
  5. Checking the correctness of the algorithm
  6. Analysis of algorithm
  7. Implementation of algorithm
  8. Program testing
  9. Documentation preparation
anitsh commented 4 years ago


General Classification

This classification is neither exhaustive nor disjoint. The purpose is to highlight the various ways in which problems can be solved, so that we can apply similar techniques when solving new problems.

By Completion Time

Algorithms can be determined when it will complete it's execution time. Or simply how long will it take to complete or it might not be even possible to know when it will happen. Based on this we can classify algorithms as:

By Complexity

Algorithms can be classified by the amount of time they need to complete compared to their input size:

Some problems may have multiple algorithms of differing complexity, while other problems might have no algorithms or no known efficient algorithms. There are also mappings from some problems to other problems. Owing to this, it was found to be more suitable to classify the problems themselves instead of the algorithms into equivalence classes based on the complexity of the best possible algorithms for them.

The objective of while designing an algorithm is to reduce the complexity from exponential towards constant time.

Online VS Offline Algorithm

In computer science, an online algorithm is one that can process its input piece-by-piece in a serial fashion, i.e., in the order that the input is fed to the algorithm, without having the entire input available from the start.

In contrast, an offline algorithm is given the whole problem data from the beginning and is required to output an answer which solves the problem at hand. In operations research, the area in which online algorithms are developed is called online optimization.

As an example, consider the sorting algorithms selection sort and insertion sort: selection sort repeatedly selects the minimum element from the unsorted remainder and places it at the front, which requires access to the entire input; it is thus an offline algorithm. On the other hand, insertion sort considers one input element per iteration and produces a partial solution without considering future elements. Thus insertion sort is an online algorithm.

Note that the final result of an insertion sort is optimum, i.e., a correctly sorted list. For many problems, online algorithms cannot match the performance of offline algorithms. If the ratio between the performance of an online algorithm and an optimal offline algorithm is bounded, the online algorithm is called competitive.

anitsh commented 4 years ago

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting is ordering a list of objects. It one of the most common tasks that a computer program performs like arranging numbers in descending or ascending order or ordering elements in alphabetic order etc.

The opposite of sorting, rearranging a sequence of items in a random or meaningless order, is called shuffling.

In computer science, arranging in an ordered sequence is called "sorting". Sorting is a common operation in many applications, and efficient algorithms to perform it have been developed.

The most common uses of sorted sequences are:

Sorting algorithms can be categorized as simple sorts and efficient sorts. Simple sorts category of algorithms are efficient on the small amount of data but cannot handle large data. They are fast and efficient due to low overhead. Two simplest sort algorithms are insertion sort and selection sorts. Where as efficient sorts are more practical sorting algorithms with average time complexity. Some most common of these are merge sort, heap sort, and quicksort. These sorts can be used on large lists and complicated programs but each of them has its own drawbacks and advantages. Some may require additional space or more iterations, thus resulting in more complex algorithms.

A sort is in-place means that the algorithms do not allocate additional storage to hold temporary results: they sort the data in place.

A sort is stable if the order of equal items is preserved.

We can distinguish two types of sorting based on memory usages. If the number of objects is small enough to fits into the main memory, sorting is called internal sorting. If the number of objects is so large that some of them reside on external storage during the sort, it is called external sorting. The following are the internal sorting algorithms:

Bucket sort O(n): Place the elements according to it's value equal to the index of the auxiliary array.

We need an auxiliary array of size + 1 the original unsorted array.

Bubble sort O(n2) :

Exchange two adjacent elements if they are out of order. Repeat until array is sorted. The algorithm works by comparing each item in the list with the item next to it, and swapping them if required. In other words, the largest element has bubbled to the top of the array. The algorithm repeats this process until it makes a pass all the way through the list without swapping any items.


Insertion sort O(n2) :

Remove its entries one at a time and then insert each of them into a sorted part (initially empty).

void insertionSort(int[] ar)
   for (int i=1; i ‹ ar.length; i++)
      int index = ar[i]; int j = i;
      while (j > 0 && ar[j-1] > index)
           ar[j] = ar[j-1];
      ar[j] = index;
} }

Shell sort

Shell sort is another type of insertion sort which is more useful for larger lists.

Selection sort:

Select the smallest unsorted item and then swapping it with the item in the next position to be filled.

The selection sort works as follows: you look through the entire array for the smallest element, once you find it you swap it (the smallest element) with the first element of the array. Then you look for the smallest element in the remaining array (an array without the first element) and swap it with the second element. Then you look for the smallest element in the remaining array (an array without first and second elements) and swap it with the third element, and so on. Here is an example,

void selectionSort(int[] ar){
   for (int i = 0; i ‹ ar.length-1; i++)
      int min = i;
      for (int j = i+1; j ‹ ar.length; j++)
            if (ar[j] ‹ ar[min]) min = j;
      int temp = ar[i];
      ar[i] = ar[min];
      ar[min] = temp;
} }

Divide an array into two halves, sort the two halves (recursively), and then merge the results.

It involves the following three steps: Divide the array into two (or more) subarrays Sort each subarray (Conquer) Merge them into one (in a smart way!)

        // Pass an array of integers to be sorted
        public static void mergeSortClient(Comparable [ ] a)
        Comparable[] tmp = new Comparable[a.length];
        mergeSort(a, tmp,  0,  a.length - 1);

    private static void mergeSort(Comparable [ ] a, Comparable [ ] tmp, int left, int right)
        if( left < right )
            int center = (left + right) / 2;
            mergeSort(a, tmp, left, center);
            mergeSort(a, tmp, center + 1, right);
            merge(a, tmp, left, center + 1, right);

    private static void merge(Comparable[ ] a, Comparable[ ] tmp, int left, int right, int rightEnd )
        int leftEnd = right - 1;
        int k = left;
        int num = rightEnd - left + 1;

        while(left <= leftEnd && right <= rightEnd)
            if(a[left].compareTo(a[right]) <= 0)
                tmp[k++] = a[left++];
                tmp[k++] = a[right++];

        while(left <= leftEnd)    // Copy rest of first half
            tmp[k++] = a[left++];

        while(right <= rightEnd)  // Copy rest of right half
            tmp[k++] = a[right++];

        // Copy tmp back
        for(int i = 0; i < num; i++, rightEnd--)
            a[rightEnd] = tmp[rightEnd];

Quicksort O(n log n):

Partition the array into two parts, sort the parts independently.

Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer method for sorting and it is one of the fastest algorithms for sorting. Quicksort is popular because it is not difficult to implement, works well for a variety of different kinds of input data, and is substantially faster than any other sorting method in typical applications. It is in-place (uses only a small auxiliary stack), requires time proportional to N log N on the average to sort N items, and has an extremely short inner loop.

Before doing a quicksort, it required to shuffle the array first!

