anitsh / til

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Open anitsh opened 2 years ago

anitsh commented 2 years ago

anitsh commented 2 years ago

An exercise(workshop) done to define and understand Constraing Mapping on July 21, 2022 -

Some definitions from Alicia Juarrero -

CONSTRAINTS TOUT COURT: Are not “economic” entities (Eldredge) – that is, they do not directly transfer energy or participate in efficient cause-like forceful impact. Constraints bring about effects by raising or lowering barriers to energy flow and thereby making some things, events, processes, etc. more or less likely. Constraints operate in a probabilistic space. They establish prior probability distribution.

CONTEXT-INDEPENDENT CONSTRAINTS... Take conditions away from white noise (thermal equilibrium), Frame the coordinates/boundaries of state space and establish minimum inhomogeneities. They can promote density and clumping on the one hand, and dissipation on the other; but alone they do not form complex structures.

GOVERNING CONSTRAINTS... Are CICs that stabilize extant complexity by holding fast the interlocking constraints that give it its identity and keeping it from thermalizing. Because they are the outcome of context-dependent constraints (see below), governing constraints reflect and are responsive to the context from which they were generated. Because governing constraints operate whole to part (higher to lower level), they are distributed constraints.

GOVERNING CONSTRAINTS bring about effects by regulating and modulating (altering the likelihood of) lower-level processes and entities such that the overarching governing constraints remain steady. Ex: By altering the timing or expression of lower-level processes – ex: homeostasis, regulatory genes, neural network architecture (natural and artificial)

Governing constraints are restrictive or limiting only insofar as they keep the system “true to type” – that is, within its range of viability; they do not allow it to spin out of control. THIS IS A GOOD THING because the interlocking constraints that hold the structure together must persist. If they were to thermalize the complex dynamics/structure would dissipate.

CONTEXT-DEPENDENT CONSTRAINTS... Take elements away from independence from one other. Make one event, or element, conditional on – or interdependent with – another, thereby creates coherent dynamics/structure that persists despite being in thermal disequilibrium. Mutual interdependencies of coherent dynamics must be estimated via conditional probabilities.

A. Enabling context-dependent constraints. By linking and interweaving processes they thereby enable the formation of mutual interdependencies such as entrainment, synchronization, cycles (whose interlocking constraints subsequently serve as “governing constraints” sensu C above only). EX: Catalysts, feedback loops, recursion and iteration

B. Can be temporal (recipes, timing) and spatial (symmetry)