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OpenTelemetry, Observability as Code, Kubernetes Adoption - InfoQ Live - August 2022 #847

Open anitsh opened 2 years ago

anitsh commented 2 years ago image

State of OpenTelemetry, Where Are We and What’s Next? Michael Hausenblas OpenTelemetry Product Owner and Solution Engineering Lead @AWS

image image OpenTelemetry is a vendor neutral way to make telemetry, the collection and ingestion of logs, metrics, and traces, table stakes. image image

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anitsh commented 2 years ago

Observability Is Also Programmed Yury Niño Roa Cloud Infrastructure Engineer @Google

Observability-as-Code [OaC] is a set of practices that allow develop, deploy, test and share observability assets such as detectors, alerts, dashboards as code. [OaC] provides benefits for software engineers and site reliability engineers such as eliminating toiling, sharing best practices and promoting collaboration between operations, infrastructure and development teams. Since [OaC] is a solution to the challenges that engineering teams face when they are operating the cloud, it is weird that it has not been enabled with sufficient interest by the industry. In this talk I am going to present a new methodology to adopt [OaC] in companies according to their size. Specifically, I am going to talk about the current observability landscape and how companies can adopt this as a practice among their engineering teams.


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why image


Classical maturity model image image image image image

Adoption image image image image image Observability as code is required image

anitsh commented 2 years ago

Simplify and Accelerate Kubernetes Adoption

Without a clear and comprehensive strategy, Kubernetes deployments might suffer many operational challenges, including security, stability, resilience, upgradeability, and governance.

Join today’s InfoQ panel to hear from different industry leaders discussing the keys to Kubernetes adoption success. They will explain how to avoid underperforming deployments and prevent excessive cost, providing concrete advice on how to overcome game-stopping barriers such as Kubernetes skill gaps.


Work from your own problem definition and build from there. Just dont copy the trending tools.

Monolith to microservice Are planning to refactor and re-platforming? What are the values? Would it add value to containerize something that would not change frequently?

Have a platform team.

So many tools but no vendor lock-in, which is good.

Choose open source tool. Look at CNCF landscape.

Best practice.

Event driven architecture, should have used cloud native functions.

K8s is a platform

Use declarative setup with gitops

Stat with the minimum list. Helps to accelerate

Promote opensouce with security best practices which is provided by the eco-system.

Taking the right tool for the job.

Open by use to increase adoption and follow best practices.