aniyomiorg / aniyomi

An app for manga and anime
Apache License 2.0
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[🔗MR] Import categories and entries from trackers #381

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Describe your suggested feature

Add an option in which we would be able to add our anime directly from myanimelist account.. Like: we would enter our username and then able to add all the anime, and automatically anime categories would be added after importing.

Other details

Add: Watching, Completed, On Hold, and Plan to Watch, Anime categories as default.


soredake commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to have bidirectonal mal sync, aniyomi will sync to/from mal, if i watched some eps aniyomi will mark them as watched at start.


Lukyzzz commented 2 years ago

I already comment on other MAL related posts but just for the record : To browser the MAL and import from it, fortunately this one could be use as reference. They seem to have use the feature of extensions to let u browser on MAL and the migration feature to import from there, it could even use that to sync with MAL too at the same time as you import from it.

ZmBiUnicorn commented 2 years ago

This would be an amazing feature, would make watching on android much more enjoyable.

ghost commented 11 months ago

This will be a great feature. It will be useful specially on one piece I already watch it from 1 to latest from other app Bilibili and migrate here because of 1080p resolution. And rewatching them from episode 1 to latest to mark them as watched is a bit pain. It will be useful if MAL database can be import to mark those episode as watched at once.