anjali1102 / 30DaysOfCode-2022

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Frontend interview Q faang #2

Open anjali1102 opened 1 year ago

anjali1102 commented 1 year ago

Front-End Programming Interview Questions These are some of the questions typically asked during a front-end coding interview:

Write a program to check if a string is a palindrome Write a program to flatten an array Implement a simple observable Create a multiplication function without using the multiplication operator Create a function that calls an input function f every 50 milliseconds only What happens in a browser when you click a link? There are two very large numbers; each is so large that the only way to represent them is through an array of integers. Create a program with a function that multiplies them Create a function that takes a function f and returns a function that calls f on a timeout How would you link your CSS and JS file to your HTML document? Create a function that takes a string as input and returns all the unique letters present in it Describe the concept of closure Write a program that scores a tic-tac-toe board Write code using HTML and CSS for a US flag What do you know about Redux? Differentiate between cookies and local storage. Talk about the most interesting project of your career. Describe the usage of functions like forEach, Map, and Reduce in JavaScript. What are arrow functions, and how do they work? What is the difference between var, let, and const? Differentiate between Promises and Async/Await. Talk a bit about PureComponent and describe how you’d use it to your advantage. Describe higher-order components (HOC) and their practical usage. What is your opinion on the latest React updates?

anjali1102 commented 1 year ago

Write a code to determine if there are three integers in a given array of integers whose sum equals a given value. Write a program function to clone a given directed graph such that the cloned graph has the same edges and vertices. Write a code to merge two given sorted linked lists such that the returning linked list is also sorted.

Given the roots of two binary trees, write a code to determine if the two binary trees are identical or not. Given the root node of a binary tree “B,” write a code to swap the right and left children for each node of the tree. Write a code to reverse the order of words in a given sentence. Given an array of size N, write a code to search for the second largest element in the array. Given an array A of size N, write a function to find the minimum index-based distance between two elements in the array.