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常用缩写 #30

Open anjia opened 5 years ago

anjia commented 5 years ago

WIP, Work In Progress, 开发中(work in progress, do not merge yet) PTAL, Please Take A Look, 帮我看下(请别人 review 自己的 PR) LGTM, Looks Good To Me, 看起来不错, 没有问题(别人 review 完 PR 之后) RFC, Request For Comments, 请求评论, i.e. I think this is a good idea, lets discuss

AFAIK / AFAICT, As Far As I Know / Can Tell, 据我所知 IMHO, In My Humble Opinion, 以我的拙见(多用于邮件和网络)

FYI, For your information, 供你参考 CC, Carbon Copy, 抄送(邮件) AFK, Away From the Keyboard, 稍后回来

ACK, ACKnowledgement, 同意, i.e. agreed/accepted change NACK/NAK, Negative ACKnowledgement, 不同意, i.e. disagree with change and/or concept

anjia commented 5 years ago

Quality and Assurance, QA

anjia commented 5 years ago

e.g. exempli gratia, for example i.e. id est, that is