anjia / blog

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WCAG #78

Open anjia opened 4 years ago

anjia commented 4 years ago



技术 General Techniques T: Plain-Text Failures

Html Css ARIA

SCR: Client-Side Script SVR: Server-Side Script

SM: SMIL PDF FLASH SL: Silverlight

anjia commented 4 years ago

1.1 替代文本


<!-- H2. 将 image 和 text 放在一个a链接里 -->
<a href="">
    <img src="logo.png" alt=""> 360搜索
<!-- 所以:
    1. 装饰性图片/图标,可用CSS实现
    2. 左图右文的,“左图”可设置成对AT不可见
    3. 纯图片的(比如首页图标),则提供 alt="" 或者 title="" 说明

<!-- H30. 链接,提供链接的目的说明(而不是“查看更多”等..) -->
<a href="routes.html">Current routes at Boulders Climbing Gym</a>
<a href="routes.html">
    <img src="topo.gif" alt="Current routes at Boulders Climbing Gym" /> 

<!-- H37. 给 img 标签提供 alt -->
<img src="" alt="">
<img src="" alt="搜索首页">
<img src="">
<!-- 所以:具体使用时,看怎么赋值 -->

<!-- H45. longdesc 提供长说明(链接到其它地方:新页面/当前页的锚点处) -->
<img longdesc="thispage.html#desc" alt="Line graph of the number of subscribers" src="">
<div id="desc">
    <h3>Long Description: Line graph of the number of subscribers</h3>
    <!-- Full Description of Graph -->
    <p>Long description ends.</p>

<!-- H24. usemap -->
<img src="welcome.gif" usemap="#map1"  alt="Areas in the library. Select an area for more information on that area." /> 
<map id="map1" name="map1">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,30,30"
    href="reference.html" alt="Reference" />
  <area shape="rect" coords="34,34,100,100"
    href="media.html" alt="Audio visual lab" />

<!-- H86. ASCII艺术(用字符排成图片/图形/表情)、表情符号、leetspeak -->
=8-0 (fright)
<abbr title="fright">=8-0</abbr>
<img src="fright.gif" alt="fright"/>

eg. 用字符画了个蝴蝶
Figure 1: ASCII art picture of a butterfly. 
<a href="#skipbutterfly">Skip ASCII image</a>
<a name="skipbutterfly"></a>

"Austin Rocks" 奥斯丁岩石
<abbr title="Austin Rocks">Au5t1N r0xx0rz</abbr>   

<!-- H44. 表单控件,input 的 label -->
<!-- H65. 表单控件,title -->

<!-- H其它 -->