anjlab / bootstrap-rails

Twitter Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
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Undefined mixin 'form-inline'. #46

Closed Aetherus closed 11 years ago

Aetherus commented 11 years ago

I installed this gem according to the instruction, then performed rake assets:precompile, and got the error "File to import not found or unreadable: input-groups.". I manually added an empty file with this name, and met this issue.

yury commented 11 years ago

should work now if you install it from git

rudf0rd commented 11 years ago

This problem still exists if you include just portions of bootstrap rather than the entire file.


@import "twitter/bootstrap/_navs";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_navbar";


@import "twitter/bootstrap";
yury commented 11 years ago

_navbar uses mixing from _input_groups.scss

also you need _variables and _mixins files

better way is to create copy of _app_bootstrap.css.scss import it in your application.css.scss and comment out unnecessary imports and test.

rudf0rd commented 11 years ago

My mistake. That was just a snippet of my entire file.

I did do what you had suggested and have everything, then paired down. Here's the entire list of my imports which still fails with the inline-form error above. Also, I get this error in dev mode throwing a Sass::SyntaxError, not in doing a precompile.

// Core variables and mixins
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_variables";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_mixins";

// Reset
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_normalize";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_print";

// Core CSS
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_scaffolding";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_type";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_code";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_grid";

//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_tables";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_forms";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_buttons";

// Components: common
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_component-animations";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_dropdowns";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_list-group";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_panels";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_wells";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_close";

// Components: Nav
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_navs";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_navbar";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_button-groups";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_breadcrumbs";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_pagination";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_pager";

// Components: Popovers
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_modals";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_tooltip";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_popovers";

// Components: Misc
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_alerts";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_thumbnails";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_media";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_labels";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_badges";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_progress-bars";
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_accordion";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_carousel";
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_jumbotron";

// Utility classes
@import "twitter/bootstrap/_utilities"; // Has to be last to override when necessary
//@import "twitter/bootstrap/_responsive-utilities";
yury commented 11 years ago

yep, that outdated one. you are missing this line

Just to be sure, add gem with git like in read me and run bundle update anjlab-bootstrap-rails, run rm -rf tmp/cache from your app folder and restart server. that should help.

rudf0rd commented 11 years ago

Ah perfect. Thanks Yury.