anjlab / bootstrap-rails

Twitter Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
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Inputs & dropdowns broken somehow #52

Closed tzoro closed 11 years ago

tzoro commented 11 years ago

I'm on anjlab-bootstrap-rails (3.0.0.rc1 377c7ee) and all inputs and drop-downs are broken for me. Did bundle clean all-ready, even tried manually remove gem from system and installed it again but same thing happen again.

In application.css.scss i have only *= require twitter/bootstrap.

Everything else, grid, text styles, etc looks fine.. No idea why. Thanks !

yury commented 11 years ago

can you gist your form html?

tzoro commented 11 years ago

i will tonight...

DevanB commented 11 years ago

It seems my dropdowns are not working as well.

yury commented 11 years ago

Please help me to reproduce problem.

Can you gist final html for your drop downs?

Also, please update to latest git version and rm -rf tmp/cache

DevanB commented 11 years ago


Here is a gist of my application.html.erb and application.css.scss ( I am creating a navbar that has a settings menu that is a dropdown when the user is signed in. I believe I have changed all of the syntax to the new BS3 syntax for dropdown menus. I am not calling any specific javascript other than including the twitter/bootstrap.

Is the 3.0.0 branch the latest? I'm calling it in my Gemfile via:

gem 'anjlab-bootstrap-rails', :require => 'bootstrap-rails', :github => 'anjlab/bootstrap-rails', :branch => '3.0.0'

yury commented 11 years ago

Do you have '//= require twitter/bootstrap' in your application.js?

this is mine

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require twitter/bootstrap
//= require_tree .

@DevanB your example works ok. Off topic: I advise you to look at slim all views become clean and compact.

DevanB commented 11 years ago


I moved my //= require twitter/bootstrap from:

//= require twitter/bootstrap //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require retina //= require rails.validations //= require rails.validations.simple_form //= require anjlab/datepicker //= require anjlab/timepicker //= require_tree .


//= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require retina //= require rails.validations //= require rails.validations.simple_form //= require twitter/bootstrap //= require anjlab/datepicker //= require anjlab/timepicker //= require_tree .

And now, no more problems.

Off topic again: Would you choose slim over HAML? I haven't looked into either, just curious.

yury commented 11 years ago

Sure, bootstrap js depends on jquery.

Slim vs Haml... I prefer slim, it is less symbolic for me.

DevanB commented 11 years ago


I will look into it then! Thanks for all the help again Yury! Keep up the awesome work!

yury commented 11 years ago

This is iPhone autocomplete ;( sorry

On 12 àâã. 2013 ã., at 22:22, Devan Beitel wrote:


I will look into it then! Thanks for all the help again Yury! Keep up the awesome work!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

yury commented 11 years ago

Close for now, reopen if needed

tzoro commented 11 years ago

Hi all, sorry for such delay... i was on road trip - no pc /no code. Here is gist of my navbar:

Just now i did update and my navbar disappeared :) I see markup in inspector but navbar don't want to show. I tried to remove this classes from markup "nav-collapse collapse navbar-responsive-collapse" and navbar shoved somehow. Hope this helps, regards !

yury commented 11 years ago

@tzoro here fixed gist