ankan-ban / MateSearcher

Chess mate search
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mate search not correct #1

Open tissatussa opened 2 years ago

tissatussa commented 2 years ago

i managed to compile this source code into a Linux binary, but while testing i found several FEN positions which are misjudged by your MateSearcher ..

i compiled with different mate-in-8 positions. not all solutions are found :

mate-in-8 : 1k1K4/1p5P/1P6/8/8/8/p7/8 w - - 0 1 Mate found at depth 10 (h7-h8) --- ?? solution : 1.h8=Q a1=Q 2.Qg8 Qa2 3.Qe8 Qa4 4.Qe5+ Ka8 5.Qh8 Qd4+ 6.Qxd4 Kb8 7.Ke8 Kc8 8.Qd8# 1-0

mate-in-8 : k5nq/6pr/1pP1N3/8/8/2N5/4P3/B3KR1R w K - 0 1 Mate found at depth 4 (f1-f8) --- ?? solution: 1.Rf8+ Ka7 2.Nb5+ Ka6 3.Nec7+ Ka5 4.Bc3+ Ka4 5.Rf4+ Kb3 6.Rb4+ Ka2 7.Rb2+ Ka1 8.O-O# 1-0

mate-in-8 : 8/8/8/8/4n1nk/8/7P/7K b - - 0 1 Mate found at depth 6 (h4-h3) --- ?? solution unknown (SF 12 NNUE : Ne3 is mate-in-8)

mate-in-8 : 8/n5bR/k2pp3/7b/3N4/2KR4/2NB4/1r6 b - - 0 1 Mate found at depth 15 (a7-b5) --- ?? solution : 1... Nb5+ 2.Kc4 d5+ 3.Kc5 Bf8+ 4.Kc6 Be8+ 5.Rd7 Na7+ 6.Kc7 Rb7+ 7.Kd8 Rb8+ 8.Kc7 Rc8# 0-1

mate-in-8 : Q7/8/3ppp2/3pkp2/3ppp2/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1 Mate found at depth 4 (e1-e2) --- ?? solution : Qa2

ankan-ban commented 2 years ago

Hi. This was a work in progress project that I abandoned long time back. I know it's buggy and doesn't work well. I am sorry. I don't know when will I get a chance to get back to this - if ever.

tissatussa commented 2 years ago

OK, thanks for this response. You could write a note in the README about this and archive the project, or (maybe better) just remove it from Github to avoid a confusion like this ..

In the meantime i found Chest, see which does the same and seems fully working. I managed to compile it on Linux.

At first i was not searching for a tool like this. I was looking for a 'perft' tool that could also count the amount of captures. I found one at but it's operated from within terminal, this is not a script which can be executed with parameters and just output the result, it expects manual input .. I'm not into programming C(++), although i can do little adjustments in code to compile properly, and i want to use this JuddPerft tool to integrate into a Python script, because calling C-code gives fast execution, which is important. Maybe you can change this JuddPerft code like that, for me? Is it easy to do? That would be great!

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