ankane / blazer

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Best practices in production #463

Closed jimleroyer closed 2 months ago

jimleroyer commented 8 months ago


Thank you for your project, we very much like it in our organization for its ability to build and share queries among developers.

I have questions around best practices in production and it's not related to a bug or requested feature. Please redirect me if this is the wrong place to ask or if it has been answered. I could help contributing to a wiki with answers provided if deemed useful and desired.

My questions would be around the usage of Blazer in production. I want to know how users of Blazer uses it to isolate or mitigate production issues that could be be caused by non-optimized and long running queries.

I think answers to these might vary depending on the nature of the database and its business risk. But I wonder, when there are is risk of a production impact with Blazer, what are the best practices involved to mitigate that risk across the database that the Blazer community might promote?

Sorry if that's the wrong place, and it's sort of open ended with how one might feel comfortable with their production environment and team.


blairanderson commented 3 months ago

Hi @jimleroyer i'll add some answers here.

  1. Yes people use this in production. Entirely depends on your company. Use encryption if you have sensitive data and it won't be an issue who has access.
  2. Anyone you want. Most data analysts have access to database.
  3. depends on your workload. Tiny companies don't need to separate it. bigger teams or slower queries will need isolation.
  4. there is no review process. Sidebar shows who created the query but nothing bigger
ankane commented 2 months ago

Thanks @blairanderson!