Hi i am using bar_chart to display a chart in my slim file which is working fine.But I want to draw a vertical line indicating a boundary for each bar is there any way for that because i have search every where if that is possible can anyone please guide me.
My chart look like this
my code for that chart is
=bar_chart @all_loads.map{|j| ["#{j.name} - #{j.city}", j.load_count]}.sort_by{|m| m[0] }, height: @bar_chart_height
Hi i am using bar_chart to display a chart in my slim file which is working fine.But I want to draw a vertical line indicating a boundary for each bar is there any way for that because i have search every where if that is possible can anyone please guide me. My chart look like this my code for that chart is
=bar_chart @all_loads.map{|j| ["#{j.name} - #{j.city}", j.load_count]}.sort_by{|m| m[0] }, height: @bar_chart_height