ankane / dbx

A fast, easy-to-use database library for R
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postgresql bytea and dbxSelect won't work #14

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago


using dbxSelect on a postgresql database table with a bytea column, the following error appears: postgresqlUnescapeBytea is not an exported object...

affected versions

how to create the error message

me@dbxbug@[local]> create table t_dbxbug(test bytea); CREATE TABLE me@dbxbug@[local]> insert into t_dbxbug(test) values (bytea('this is crap')); INSERT 0 1 me@dbxbug@[local]> select * from t_dbxbug; test

\x746869732069732063726170 (1 Zeile)

me@dbxbug@[local]> \q me@myserver:~$ R

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library(dbx) con <- dbxConnect(dbname = "dbxbug", adapter = "postgres")
dbxSelect(con, "select * from t_dbxbug") Fehler: 'postgresqlUnescapeBytea' is not an exported object from 'namespace:RPostgreSQL'

ghost commented 5 years ago

found out that this problem only occurs on using RPostgreSQL 0.4 that comes with debian stretch; if I switch to RPostgreSQL 0.6, the bug is solved. Maybe you can do a requirement of the RPostgreSQL version to the DESCRIPTION file...

ankane commented 5 years ago

Hey @jottyfan, glad you figured it out, and thanks for following up. I think it only makes sense to do a version restriction for exceptional bugs.