ankane / jetpack

A friendly package manager for R
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Add installation method from git to #10

Closed jasikpark closed 5 years ago

jasikpark commented 5 years ago

Would it be helpful to add instructions to help people install the "bleeding edge" of jetpack? I think maybe the subtitle for the section that I added could be edited to encourage only the people who need the latest github version from downloading via github, but I would have found this helpful when I wanted jetpack global update to work.

jasikpark commented 5 years ago

It could also be reworded from:

Or, install from the latest on Github:


Or, install from the nightly on Github:

to discourage casual installation via Github

ankane commented 5 years ago

Hey @jasikpark, thanks for another PR 👍 I think it just muddies the installation instructions, so don't think it makes sense to add for now.

jasikpark commented 5 years ago

After reviewing, I agree