Closed RaviKumarPesala closed 2 years ago
Hey @RaviKumarPesala, Lockbox provides a migrate
method, but you could also write your own or build on top of it if you're trying to parallelize it. You can interrupt the method to see how it handles failures and state management.
@ankane , Thanks for the response.
Could you please suggest any approach on how to override the migrate method to see the failures and state management.
@ankane interested in knowing about the override, too. Migrating 300K+ records could've been done faster with Sidekiq.
For anyone wondering, this is how I'm migrating 300K+ records using Sidekiq. I'm also skipping callbacks.
module Users
class EncryptWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options queue: :low
def perform(ids = nil)
if ids.nil?
ids = User.collection.aggregate([]).map { |oid| oid.as_json['_id']['$oid'] }
ids.each_slice(50) do |batch|
fields = User.respond_to?(:lockbox_attributes) ? { |k, v| v[:migrating] } : {}
blind_indexes = User.respond_to?(:blind_indexes) ? { |k, v| v[:migrating] } : {}
users = User.where(id: { '$in': ids })
users.update_all(encrypting: true) # Prevent callbacks from being fired
users.each do |user|
fields.each do |k, v|
user.send("#{v[:attribute]}=", user.send(k)) unless user.send(v[:encrypted_attribute])
# with Blind Index 2.0, bidx_attribute should be already set for each record
blind_indexes.each do |k, v|
user.send("compute_#{k}_bidx") unless user.send(v[:bidx_attribute])
next unless user.changed?!(validate: false)
users.update_all('$unset' => { encrypting: '' }) # Restoring callbacks
Hi @ankane ,
We have implemented lockbox encryption for around 20 models with almost 200 attributes.
Now we're trying to migrate the existing data to encrypted, and we have more than 10 million records in production. So if we try to write any migration script to migrate all that data, Are there any chances of migration fail due to huge number of records.
Is there any other approach you'd suggest how to migrate such huge data. We have to be sure that lockbox will handle these scenarios.
Planned approach: We're planning to create an Application Job or an Iteration Job that can run the migration which can be paused/started anytime. Is this an approach we can proceed with? or do you see any drawbacks in it ?
Thanks, Ravi Kumar