ankargren / mfbvar

R package for Mixed-Frequency Bayesian VARs
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Function "mdd" and "estimate_mfbvar" create warning and errors #14

Closed ak639 closed 3 years ago

ak639 commented 3 years ago

I am working with a mfbvar model with quarterly GDP and 6 other monthly indicators (CPI, unemployment, short term interest rate, financial stress index, Economic sentiment index, consumer confidence index) , and I want to select a suitable hyperparameters for my model. However, when estimate the model with function

mod_ss_iw <- estimate_mfbvar(prior, prior = "ss", variance = "iw")

I receive warning message:

Warning message: In arima(na.omit(Y[, i]), order = c(init_order, 0, 0), method = "ML") : possible convergence problem: optim gave code = 1

and when I try to calculate mdd by


I failed with many warning message and errors

warning: inv_sympd(): given matrix is not symmetric

warning: inv_sympd(): given matrix is not symmetric

warning: inv_sympd(): given matrix is not symmetric

warning: inv_sympd(): given matrix is not symmetric

error: inv_sympd(): matrix is singular or not positive definite Error in loglike(Y = as.matrix(mZ), Lambda = Lambda, Pi_comp = Pi_comp, : inv_sympd(): matrix is singular or not positive definite

which also leads to the fact that I failed to find a suitable hyperparameters using the "parallel" package. The same happened with Minnesota priors as well with the same set of data. These errors does not exist when I use a smaller data set with only GDP and the soft indicators (financial stress index, Economic sentiment index, consumer confidence index).

Do you have a suggestion or solution to fix this? Or should the problem be in the dataset?

ak639 commented 3 years ago

DEdata.xlsx This is the dataset I'm using

ankargren commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I was just going to ask for the data! I will take a look.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

@ak639 Are you transforming the data in any way prior to estimation? If so, how?

ak639 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for replying. I use annual log difference (freq100diff(ln) ) for all variables except for unemployment rate (UNR) and short term interest rate (SIT) which I use no transformation. By the way, I did not use the CLI series in the file I sent you, only GDP, UNR, SIT, CPI, FSI, CCI, ESI.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

Two things I'd recommend that you try that may rid you of your problems:

Note that I assumed you meant annualized log difference (i.e. first difference but multiplied by freq * 100 as you indicated).

Let me know if you try these suggestions and how it goes.

Plot and then code:

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 19 12 04

DEdata <- readxl::read_excel("~/Downloads/DEdata.xlsx")
log_diff <- function(x, freq = 12) {100*freq*diff(log(x))}
data_list <- list(
  monthly = ts(cbind(UNR = DEdata$UNR[-1], 
                     SIT = DEdata$SIT[-1], 
                     CPI = log_diff(DEdata$CPI), 
                     FSI = log_diff(DEdata$FSI), 
                     CCI = log_diff(DEdata$CCI), 
                     ESI = log_diff(DEdata$ESI)),
  start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 12),
  GDP = ts(log_diff(na.omit(DEdata$GDP), 4), 
                 start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 4)
prior_obj <- set_prior(Y = data_list,
                       n_lags = 5,
                       n_reps = 1000,
                       aggregation = "triangular")
ak639 commented 3 years ago

DEdata.xlsx I have replaced GDP and CPI with seasonal adjusted data. For FSI and ESI, I use freq*diff(x). Unfortunately, the problem is still there. When I use smaller dataset (GDP, ESI, FSI, CCI) or (GDP, CPI, UNR, SIT), even with the old series, the function works still. Only when I combine all variables, errors occur.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ak639. Could you post the exact code you were using when encountering the problem? It would be helpful if you could set the seed and then, in particular, provide the call to set_prior that you used.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

I can tell you right off the bat at least that this warning:

Warning messages:
1: In arima(na.omit(Y[, i]), order = c(init_order, 0, 0), method = "ML") :
  possible convergence problem: optim gave code = 1
2: In log(s2) : NaNs produced

is for all intents and purposes unrelated to the BVAR itself. To set the prior, simple AR regressions are used to account for different scales of the variables. This warning message is related to these AR models.

ak639 commented 3 years ago

Here is my code:

prior <- set_prior(Y = mf_list, n_lags = 12, lambda2=1, n_reps = 5000)
prior # display what model specifications can be used with the provided information

moments <- interval_to_moments(prior_intervals)
prior <- update_prior(prior,
                      d = "intercept",
                      prior_psi_mean = moments$prior_psi_mean,
                      prior_psi_Omega = moments$prior_psi_Omega)
prior <- update_prior(prior, n_fcst = 12)

mod_ss_iw <- estimate_mfbvar(prior, prior = "ss", variance = "iw")

From here produce warning message

`Warning message: In arima(na.omit(Y[, i]), order = c(init_order, 0, 0), method = "ML") : possible convergence problem: optim gave code = 1

Then with this code mdd(mod_ss_iw)

produce error as mentioned. Because with smaller dataset, both warning and error do not happen, so somehow I linked them together.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

@ak639 What is prior_intervals here?

ak639 commented 3 years ago
prior_intervals <- matrix(c(0, 4,
                            5, 9,
                            2, 5,
                            -1, 1,
                            -50, 50,
                            -5, 5,
                            0.5, 1.9), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) 

for variables = c("CPI", "UNR", "SIT", "FSI", "ESI", "CCI", "GDP") respectively

ankargren commented 3 years ago

@ak639 I was able to reproduce the problem now, so I'll see if I can see what the issue is.

ankargren commented 3 years ago

@ak639 The issue was numerical instability of some of the calculations. I have made some improvements that are available at the master branch on GitHub. It will be some time before it appears on CRAN.

Install the current version from GitHub using:


Here's the code I used that now should return a number without errors:

DEdata <- readxl::read_excel("~/Downloads/DEdata.xlsx")
log_diff <- function(x, freq = 12) {100*freq*diff(log(x))}
data_list <- list(
  monthly = ts(cbind(CPI = log_diff(DEdata$CPI),
                     UNR = DEdata$UNR[-1],
                     SIT = DEdata$SIT[-1],
                     FSI = 12*diff(DEdata$FSI),
                     ESI = 12*diff(DEdata$ESI),
                     CCI = log_diff(DEdata$CCI)),
  start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 12),
  GDP = ts(log_diff(as.numeric(DEdata$GDP[1:119]), 4),
                 start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 4)
prior_obj <- set_prior(Y = data_list,
                       n_lags = 12,
                       n_reps = 5000,
                       verbose = TRUE)

prior_intervals <- matrix(c(0, 4,      # CPI
                            5, 9,      # UNR
                            2, 5,      # SIT
                            -1, 1,     # FSI
                            -50, 50,   # ESI
                            -5, 5,     # CCI
                            0.5, 1.9), # GDP
                          ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
moments <- interval_to_moments(prior_intervals)
prior_obj <- update_prior(prior_obj,
                          d = "intercept",
                          prior_psi_mean = moments$prior_psi_mean,
                          prior_psi_Omega = moments$prior_psi_Omega)

mod <- estimate_mfbvar(prior_obj, prior = "ss", variance = "iw")

Let me know if you try it and if it works or not.

ak639 commented 3 years ago

@ankargren Thank you, I will try and let you know then.

ak639 commented 3 years ago

@ankargren The code works now. Thank you so much!

schoulten commented 2 years ago


I have the same problem. I had the latest version of the package available on CRAN and also tried it with the latest version from GitHub, but estimate_mfbvar() reports this warning:

#> Warning in arima(na.omit(Y[, i]), order = c(init_order, 0, 0), method = "ML"):
#> possible convergence problem: optim gave code = 1

Tried with above dataset too, same problem.

Reproducible example and my R session:

DEdata <- readxl::read_excel("~/Github/tests/DEdata.xlsx")
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I2 / R2C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I3 / R3C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I4 / R4C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I5 / R5C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I6 / R6C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I7 / R7C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I8 / R8C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I9 / R9C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I10 / R10C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I11 / R11C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I12 / R12C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I13 / R13C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I14 / R14C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I15 / R15C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I16 / R16C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I17 / R17C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I18 / R18C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I19 / R19C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I20 / R20C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I21 / R21C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I22 / R22C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I23 / R23C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I24 / R24C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I25 / R25C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I26 / R26C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I27 / R27C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I28 / R28C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I29 / R29C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I30 / R30C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I31 / R31C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I32 / R32C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I33 / R33C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I34 / R34C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I35 / R35C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I36 / R36C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I37 / R37C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I38 / R38C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I39 / R39C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I40 / R40C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I41 / R41C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I42 / R42C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I43 / R43C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I44 / R44C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I45 / R45C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I46 / R46C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I47 / R47C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I48 / R48C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I49 / R49C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I50 / R50C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I51 / R51C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I52 / R52C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I53 / R53C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I54 / R54C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I55 / R55C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I56 / R56C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I57 / R57C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I58 / R58C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I59 / R59C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I60 / R60C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I61 / R61C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I62 / R62C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I63 / R63C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I64 / R64C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I65 / R65C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I66 / R66C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I67 / R67C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I68 / R68C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I69 / R69C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I70 / R70C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I71 / R71C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I72 / R72C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I73 / R73C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I74 / R74C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I75 / R75C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I76 / R76C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I77 / R77C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I78 / R78C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I79 / R79C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I80 / R80C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I81 / R81C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I82 / R82C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I83 / R83C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I84 / R84C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I85 / R85C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I86 / R86C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I87 / R87C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I88 / R88C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I89 / R89C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I90 / R90C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I91 / R91C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I92 / R92C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I93 / R93C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I94 / R94C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I95 / R95C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I96 / R96C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I97 / R97C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I98 / R98C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I99 / R99C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I100 / R100C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I101 / R101C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I102 / R102C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I103 / R103C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I104 / R104C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I105 / R105C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I106 / R106C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I107 / R107C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I108 / R108C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I109 / R109C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I110 / R110C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I111 / R111C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I112 / R112C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I113 / R113C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I114 / R114C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I115 / R115C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I116 / R116C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I117 / R117C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I118 / R118C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I119 / R119C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I120 / R120C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I121 / R121C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I122 / R122C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I123 / R123C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I124 / R124C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I125 / R125C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I126 / R126C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I127 / R127C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I128 / R128C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I129 / R129C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I130 / R130C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I131 / R131C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I132 / R132C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I133 / R133C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I134 / R134C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I135 / R135C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I136 / R136C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I137 / R137C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I138 / R138C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I139 / R139C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I140 / R140C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I141 / R141C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I142 / R142C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I143 / R143C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I144 / R144C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I145 / R145C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I146 / R146C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I147 / R147C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I148 / R148C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I149 / R149C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I150 / R150C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I151 / R151C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I152 / R152C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I153 / R153C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I154 / R154C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I155 / R155C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I156 / R156C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I157 / R157C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I158 / R158C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I159 / R159C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I160 / R160C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I161 / R161C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I162 / R162C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I163 / R163C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I164 / R164C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I165 / R165C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I166 / R166C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I167 / R167C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I168 / R168C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I169 / R169C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I170 / R170C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I171 / R171C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I172 / R172C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I173 / R173C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I174 / R174C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I175 / R175C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I176 / R176C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I177 / R177C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I178 / R178C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I179 / R179C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I180 / R180C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I181 / R181C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I182 / R182C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I183 / R183C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I184 / R184C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I185 / R185C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I186 / R186C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I187 / R187C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I188 / R188C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I189 / R189C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I190 / R190C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I191 / R191C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I192 / R192C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I193 / R193C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I194 / R194C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I195 / R195C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I196 / R196C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I197 / R197C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I198 / R198C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I199 / R199C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I200 / R200C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I201 / R201C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I202 / R202C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I203 / R203C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I204 / R204C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I205 / R205C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I206 / R206C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I207 / R207C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I208 / R208C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I209 / R209C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I210 / R210C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I211 / R211C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I212 / R212C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I213 / R213C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I214 / R214C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I215 / R215C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I216 / R216C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I217 / R217C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I218 / R218C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I219 / R219C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I220 / R220C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I221 / R221C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I222 / R222C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I223 / R223C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I224 / R224C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I225 / R225C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I226 / R226C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I227 / R227C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I228 / R228C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I229 / R229C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I230 / R230C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I231 / R231C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I232 / R232C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I233 / R233C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I234 / R234C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I235 / R235C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I236 / R236C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I237 / R237C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I238 / R238C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I239 / R239C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I240 / R240C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I241 / R241C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I242 / R242C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I243 / R243C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I244 / R244C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I245 / R245C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I246 / R246C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I247 / R247C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I248 / R248C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I249 / R249C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I250 / R250C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I251 / R251C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I252 / R252C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I253 / R253C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I254 / R254C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I255 / R255C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I256 / R256C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I257 / R257C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I258 / R258C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I259 / R259C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I260 / R260C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I261 / R261C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I262 / R262C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I263 / R263C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I264 / R264C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I265 / R265C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I266 / R266C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I267 / R267C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I268 / R268C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I269 / R269C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I270 / R270C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I271 / R271C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I272 / R272C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I273 / R273C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I274 / R274C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I275 / R275C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I276 / R276C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I277 / R277C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I278 / R278C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I279 / R279C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I280 / R280C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I281 / R281C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I282 / R282C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I283 / R283C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I284 / R284C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I285 / R285C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I286 / R286C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I287 / R287C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I288 / R288C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I289 / R289C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I290 / R290C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I291 / R291C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I292 / R292C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I293 / R293C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I294 / R294C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I295 / R295C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I296 / R296C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I297 / R297C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I298 / R298C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I299 / R299C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I300 / R300C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I301 / R301C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I302 / R302C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I303 / R303C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I304 / R304C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I305 / R305C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I306 / R306C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I307 / R307C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I308 / R308C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I309 / R309C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I310 / R310C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I311 / R311C9: got a date
#> Warning in read_fun(path = enc2native(normalizePath(path)), sheet_i = sheet, :
#> Expecting numeric in I312 / R312C9: got a date
#> New names:
#> * Date -> Date...1
#> * `` -> ...3
#> * `` -> ...4
#> * Date -> Date...5
#> * `` -> ...7
#> * ...
log_diff <- function(x, freq = 12) {100*freq*diff(log(x))}
data_list <- list(
  monthly = ts(cbind(CPI = log_diff(DEdata$CPI),
                     UNR = DEdata$UNR[-1],
                     SIT = DEdata$SIT[-1],
                     FSI = 12*diff(DEdata$FSI),
                     ESI = 12*diff(DEdata$ESI),
                     CCI = log_diff(DEdata$CCI)),
               start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 12),
  GDP = ts(log_diff(as.numeric(DEdata$GDP[1:119]), 4),
           start = c(1991, 2), frequency = 4)
prior_obj <- set_prior(Y = data_list,
                       n_lags = 12,
                       n_reps = 5000,
                       verbose = TRUE)

prior_intervals <- matrix(c(0, 4,      # CPI
                            5, 9,      # UNR
                            2, 5,      # SIT
                            -1, 1,     # FSI
                            -50, 50,   # ESI
                            -5, 5,     # CCI
                            0.5, 1.9), # GDP
                          ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
moments <- interval_to_moments(prior_intervals)
prior_obj <- update_prior(prior_obj,
                          d = "intercept",
                          prior_psi_mean = moments$prior_psi_mean,
                          prior_psi_Omega = moments$prior_psi_Omega)

mod <- estimate_mfbvar(prior_obj, prior = "ss", variance = "iw")
#> Warning in arima(na.omit(Y[, i]), order = c(init_order, 0, 0), method = "ML"):
#> possible convergence problem: optim gave code = 1
#> Warning in log(s2): NaNs produced
#>    Total time elapsed: 2 mins
#> [1] -4154.197

#> R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
#> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
#> Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19043)
#> Matrix products: default
#> locale:
#> [1] LC_COLLATE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252  LC_CTYPE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252   
#> [3] LC_MONETARY=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                      
#> [5] LC_TIME=Portuguese_Brazil.1252    
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] mfbvar_0.5.6
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] styler_1.6.2       GIGrvg_0.5         zoo_1.8-9          tidyselect_1.1.1  
#>  [5] xfun_0.25          purrr_0.3.4        lattice_0.20-41    colorspace_2.0-2  
#>  [9] vctrs_0.3.8        generics_0.1.1     htmltools_0.5.2    yaml_2.2.1        
#> [13] utf8_1.2.2         rlang_0.4.11       R.oo_1.24.0        pillar_1.6.4      
#> [17] glue_1.4.2         withr_2.4.2        DBI_1.1.1          R.utils_2.10.1    
#> [21] readxl_1.3.1       R.cache_0.15.0     lifecycle_1.0.1    stringr_1.4.0     
#> [25] munsell_0.5.0      gtable_0.3.0       cellranger_1.1.0   R.methodsS3_1.8.1 
#> [29] coda_0.19-4        evaluate_0.14      knitr_1.33         fastmap_1.1.0     
#> [33] parallel_4.0.3     fansi_0.5.0        highr_0.9          Rcpp_1.0.7        
#> [37] backports_1.2.1    scales_1.1.1       RcppParallel_5.1.4 fs_1.5.0          
#> [41] ggplot2_3.3.5      stochvol_3.1.0     digest_0.6.28      stringi_1.7.5     
#> [45] dplyr_1.0.7        grid_4.0.3         tools_4.0.3        magrittr_2.0.1    
#> [49] tibble_3.1.6       crayon_1.4.2       pkgconfig_2.0.3    ellipsis_0.3.2    
#> [53] reprex_2.0.0       lubridate_1.8.0    assertthat_0.2.1   rmarkdown_2.10    
#> [57] R6_2.5.1           compiler_4.0.3

Created on 2021-11-11 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)