ankenyr / jellyfin-youtube-metadata-plugin

Youtube Metadata Plugin for Jellyfin
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
481 stars 31 forks source link

Is this plugin dead? #89

Closed JacobDK8200 closed 2 months ago

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago


Was very happy to see a youtube meta plugin for jellyfin.

But, nothing is working. It is not taking my .json files for metadata. It is not getting anything for the internet. All the thumpnails are the same.

All reported isues.

This makes the plugin unusable.

No update for over a year. So is youtube metadata support in jellyfin dead?

ankenyr commented 10 months ago

Plugin works for me and while the issues are reported I have not been able to reproduce them. What time I have to spend has been spent on my family or other projects and the motivation to work on this project or the other smart playlist plugin is limited. stalled without a response from the reporter. the error logs say [2023-07-30 07:03:10.941 +00:00] [ERR] [35] MediaBrowser.Providers.Movies.MovieMetadataService: Error in "YoutubeMetadata" System.IO.FileNotFoundException: youtube-dl not found on path! Do you have the same error message?

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago


No I don’t have that error message.

Downgrading the plugin seems to have fixed the not reading .info.json files.

You spend your time as you like. I barely have time to setup a jellyfin server, so can’t imagen having to develop open source software and dealing with issue request in my free time.

Thanks for the feedback.

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago

I can do a fresh jellyfin install in a proxmox lxc, with only a youtube media folder with two videos and post the log?

ankenyr commented 10 months ago

Sure. Another thing that would be helpful would be how your library file structure is. You can use tree to display it like I did here

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago

Fresh install. Not reading info.jason and all thumpnails the same

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago

`root@jellyfin:/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl# tree . |-- audio |-- data | |-- subscriptions |-- users -- video |-- Amiga\ 500\ Trash\ to\ Treasure\ Pt.2\ \357\275\234\ Fault\ Finding\ [b-OpxeIioxk].info.json |-- Amiga\ 500\ Trash\ to\ Treasure\ Pt.2\ \357\275\234\ Fault\ Finding\ [b-OpxeIioxk].mp4 |-- Amiga\ 500\ Trash\ to\ Treasure\ Pt.2\ \357\275\234\ Fault\ Finding\ [b-OpxeIioxk].nfo |-- Amiga\ 500\ Trash\ to\ Treasure\ Pt.2\ \357\275\234\ Fault\ Finding\ [b-OpxeIioxk].webp |-- Building\ 10\ MOVABLE\ Lego\ Bridges\ [u6wC_4ah4fA].info.json |-- Building\ 10\ MOVABLE\ Lego\ Bridges\ [u6wC_4ah4fA].mp4 |-- Building\ 10\ MOVABLE\ Lego\ Bridges\ [u6wC_4ah4fA].webp |-- Building\ 10\ Motorized\ Lego\ Doors\ [pcupjiD2xVk].info.json |-- Building\ 10\ Motorized\ Lego\ Doors\ [pcupjiD2xVk].mp4 |-- Building\ 10\ Motorized\ Lego\ Doors\ [pcupjiD2xVk].webp |-- Marble\ Run\ Race\ ASMR\342\230\2066\ colorful\ marble\ courses\ &\ big\ rolling\ balls\ [-daYgs4cw7E].info.json |-- Marble\ Run\ Race\ ASMR\342\230\2066\ colorful\ marble\ courses\ &\ big\ rolling\ balls\ [-daYgs4cw7E].mp4 -- Marble\ Run\ Race\ ASMR\342\230\2066\ colorful\ marble\ courses\ &\ big\ rolling\ balls\ [-daYgs4cw7E].webp

5 directories, 13 files``

JacobDK8200 commented 10 months ago

[2023-09-15 07:47:06.146 +02:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.10" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.180 +02:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]"] [2023-09-15 07:47:06.183 +02:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Architecture: X64 [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Processor count: 2 [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.184 +02:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.221 +02:00] [INF] Marking following migrations as applied because this is a fresh install: ["CreateNetworkConfiguration"] [2023-09-15 07:47:06.321 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.340 +02:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2023-09-15 07:47:06.413 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.413 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.414 +02:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.419 +02:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:47:06.419 +02:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:47:07.582 +02:00] [INF] There are pending EFCore migrations in the database. Applying... (This may take a while, do not stop Jellyfin) [2023-09-15 07:47:07.940 +02:00] [INF] EFCore migrations applied successfully [2023-09-15 07:47:08.356 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:47:08.357 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.361 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.362 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.362 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.362 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.363 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.403 +02:00] [INF] Marking following migrations as applied because this is a fresh install: ["DisableTranscodingThrottling", "CreateLoggingConfigHeirarchy", "MigrateActivityLogDatabase", "RemoveDuplicateExtras", "MigrateUserDatabase", "MigrateDisplayPreferencesDatabase", "RemoveDownloadImagesInAdvance", "MigrateAuthenticationDatabase"] [2023-09-15 07:47:08.403 +02:00] [INF] Applying migration '"AddDefaultPluginRepository"' [2023-09-15 07:47:08.404 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:47:08.404 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.405 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"AddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully [2023-09-15 07:47:08.413 +02:00] [INF] Applying migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"' [2023-09-15 07:47:08.413 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully [2023-09-15 07:47:08.414 +02:00] [INF] Applying migration '"AddPeopleQueryIndex"' [2023-09-15 07:47:08.414 +02:00] [INF] Creating index idx_TypedBaseItemsUserDataKeyType [2023-09-15 07:47:08.417 +02:00] [INF] Creating index idx_PeopleNameListOrder [2023-09-15 07:47:08.420 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"AddPeopleQueryIndex"' applied successfully [2023-09-15 07:47:08.426 +02:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.718 +02:00] [WRN] No XML encryptor configured. Key {70ec51ea-4aa9-4470-897a-f115687c2b64} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form. [2023-09-15 07:47:08.743 +02:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2023-09-15 07:47:08.769 +02:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2023-09-16 02:00:00.000 +02:00, which is 18:12:51.2307005 from now. [2023-09-15 07:47:08.798 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.3" [2023-09-15 07:47:08.834 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "av1_cuvid", "av1_qsv", "h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2023-09-15 07:47:08.850 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2023-09-15 07:47:08.865 +02:00] [INF] Available filters: ["deinterlace_qsv", "deinterlace_vaapi", "hwupload_cuda", "hwupload_vaapi", "overlay_opencl", "overlay_qsv", "overlay_vaapi", "overlay_cuda", "procamp_vaapi", "scale_cuda", "scale_opencl", "scale_qsv", "scale_vaapi", "tonemap_cuda", "tonemap_opencl", "tonemap_vaapi", "vpp_qsv", "yadif_cuda", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2023-09-15 07:47:08.950 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl", "vulkan"] [2023-09-15 07:47:09.060 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2023-09-15 07:47:09.061 +02:00] [INF] ServerId: "090598b78cae40c7b70e8194d569bedd" [2023-09-15 07:47:09.155 +02:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.0878116 [2023-09-15 07:47:09.155 +02:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2023-09-15 07:47:09.294 +02:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1384373 [2023-09-15 07:47:09.294 +02:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:03.3465818 [2023-09-15 07:47:11.776 +02:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 07:47:11.777 +02:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2023-09-15 07:47:11.779 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 07:47:12.511 +02:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2023-09-15 07:47:12.527 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2023-09-15 07:47:14.435 +02:00] [INF] No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used. DeviceIdentification { FriendlyName: "RX-V579 D3CDFA", ModelNumber: "V579", SerialNumber: "0AD07CF3", ModelName: "RX-V579", ModelDescription: "AV Receiver", ModelUrl: "", Manufacturer: "Yamaha Corporation", ManufacturerUrl: "", Headers: [] } [2023-09-15 07:47:14.438 +02:00] [INF] DLNA Session created for "RX-V579 D3CDFA" - "RX-V579" [2023-09-15 07:51:36.165 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:51:36.167 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:51:36.168 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2023-09-15 07:51:36.360 +02:00] [WRN] No users, creating one with username "jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:52:25.039 +02:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:01.0905947 with Status Code 204 [2023-09-15 07:52:29.726 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:52:29.728 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:52:37.923 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:52:37.923 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2023-09-15 07:52:37.923 +02:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:52:37.924 +02:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:52:37.924 +02:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:52:39.423 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:52:39.424 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:52:39.425 +02:00] [INF] Queuing task "RefreshMediaLibraryTask" [2023-09-15 07:52:39.426 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library" [2023-09-15 07:52:39.430 +02:00] [INF] Validating media library [2023-09-15 07:52:40.124 +02:00] [ERR] Error running post-scan task System.ArgumentException: Not enough valid pictures provided to create a splashscreen! at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateCollage(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateSplash(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops, String outputPath) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.CreateSplashscreen(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.SplashscreenPostScanTask.Run(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.RunPostScanTasks(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2023-09-15 07:52:40.164 +02:00] [INF] "Scan Media Library" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2023-09-15 07:52:40.165 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2023-09-15 07:52:40.189 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory "/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl/video" [2023-09-15 07:52:45.715 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "jellyfin" has succeeded. [2023-09-15 07:52:45.716 +02:00] [INF] Current/Max sessions for user "jellyfin": 0/0 [2023-09-15 07:52:45.754 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user e0c3496f-c68c-484f-a7b8-74d66d76b115 [2023-09-15 07:52:46.024 +02:00] [INF] WS "" request [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.054 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:52:46.055 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:53:10.730 +02:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.6663893 with Status Code 200 [2023-09-15 07:55:50.038 +02:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2023-09-15 07:55:50.038 +02:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2023-09-15 07:55:50.051 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.051 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.052 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.052 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.053 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.053 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.053 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2023-09-15 07:55:50.053 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.054 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.054 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.055 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.055 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.055 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.056 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.056 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.057 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.057 +02:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2023-09-15 07:55:50.060 +02:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2023-09-15 07:55:50.061 +02:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2023-09-15 07:55:50.062 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2023-09-15 07:55:50.065 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 4 sendSockets [2023-09-15 07:55:50.065 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.066 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.066 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 07:55:50.067 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.501 +02:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.10" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.526 +02:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]"] [2023-09-15 07:55:54.529 +02:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2023-09-15 07:55:54.530 +02:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.530 +02:00] [INF] Architecture: X64 [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] Processor count: 2 [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.531 +02:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.704 +02:00] [INF] Applying migration '"CreateNetworkConfiguration"' [2023-09-15 07:55:54.705 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"CreateNetworkConfiguration"' applied successfully [2023-09-15 07:55:54.741 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.771 +02:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2023-09-15 07:55:54.875 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.875 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.876 +02:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.880 +02:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:55:54.880 +02:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.569 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.570 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.570 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.571 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.571 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.626 +02:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2023-09-15 07:55:56.942 +02:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2023-09-15 07:55:56.969 +02:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2023-09-16 02:00:00.000 +02:00, which is 18:04:03.0311112 from now. [2023-09-15 07:55:57.142 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.3" [2023-09-15 07:55:57.190 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "av1_cuvid", "av1_qsv", "h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2023-09-15 07:55:57.208 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2023-09-15 07:55:57.225 +02:00] [INF] Available filters: ["deinterlace_qsv", "deinterlace_vaapi", "hwupload_cuda", "hwupload_vaapi", "overlay_opencl", "overlay_qsv", "overlay_vaapi", "overlay_cuda", "procamp_vaapi", "scale_cuda", "scale_opencl", "scale_qsv", "scale_vaapi", "tonemap_cuda", "tonemap_opencl", "tonemap_vaapi", "vpp_qsv", "yadif_cuda", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2023-09-15 07:55:57.314 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl", "vulkan"] [2023-09-15 07:55:57.442 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2023-09-15 07:55:57.443 +02:00] [INF] ServerId: "090598b78cae40c7b70e8194d569bedd" [2023-09-15 07:55:57.536 +02:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.0858574 [2023-09-15 07:55:57.536 +02:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2023-09-15 07:55:57.682 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory "/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl/video" [2023-09-15 07:55:57.684 +02:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.148339 [2023-09-15 07:55:57.684 +02:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:03.3978713 [2023-09-15 07:55:59.991 +02:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 07:55:59.992 +02:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2023-09-15 07:55:59.995 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 07:56:00.799 +02:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2023-09-15 07:56:00.806 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2023-09-15 07:56:03.284 +02:00] [INF] No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used. DeviceIdentification { FriendlyName: "RX-V579 D3CDFA", ModelNumber: "V579", SerialNumber: "0AD07CF3", ModelName: "RX-V579", ModelDescription: "AV Receiver", ModelUrl: "", Manufacturer: "Yamaha Corporation", ManufacturerUrl: "", Headers: [] } [2023-09-15 07:56:03.288 +02:00] [INF] DLNA Session created for "RX-V579 D3CDFA" - "RX-V579" [2023-09-15 07:58:14.154 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "jellyfin" has succeeded. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.156 +02:00] [INF] Current/Max sessions for user "jellyfin": 0/0 [2023-09-15 07:58:14.192 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user e0c3496f-c68c-484f-a7b8-74d66d76b115 [2023-09-15 07:58:14.488 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.489 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.490 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.490 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.490 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.490 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 07:58:14.537 +02:00] [INF] WS "" request [2023-09-15 07:58:47.951 +02:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.5155626 with Status Code 200 [2023-09-15 07:58:58.503 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 07:58:58.504 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 07:58:58.505 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2023-09-15 07:59:02.966 +02:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.5944051 with Status Code 200 [2023-09-15 07:59:39.127 +02:00] [INF] Plugin "installed": "YoutubeMetadata" "" [2023-09-15 07:59:39.129 +02:00] [INF] App needs to be restarted. [2023-09-15 07:59:39.131 +02:00] [WRN] Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:00:00.920674 with Status Code 204 [2023-09-15 08:00:09.239 +02:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down [2023-09-15 08:00:09.239 +02:00] [INF] Running query planner optimizations in the database... This might take a while [2023-09-15 08:00:09.248 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.249 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.250 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.250 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.251 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.252 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.253 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.254 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "SchedulesDirect" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.254 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.255 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.255 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.255 +02:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager [2023-09-15 08:00:09.256 +02:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery [2023-09-15 08:00:09.257 +02:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer [2023-09-15 08:00:09.257 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket [2023-09-15 08:00:09.259 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 3 sendSockets [2023-09-15 08:00:09.259 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.259 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.260 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from "" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.260 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.261 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2023-09-15 08:00:09.261 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "MusicBrainzAlbumProvider" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.261 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.261 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier" [2023-09-15 08:00:09.289 +02:00] [INF] WS "" closed [2023-09-15 08:00:13.320 +02:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.8.10" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.363 +02:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT $JELLFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS]", "[JELLYFIN_ADDITIONAL_OPTS, ]", "[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]"] [2023-09-15 08:00:13.365 +02:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"] [2023-09-15 08:00:13.366 +02:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.366 +02:00] [INF] Architecture: X64 [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] User Interactive: True [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] Processor count: 2 [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.367 +02:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.528 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.574 +02:00] [INF] Loading assemblies [2023-09-15 08:00:13.591 +02:00] [INF] Loaded assembly "NYoutubeDLP, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" from "/var/lib/jellyfin/plugins/YoutubeMetadata_1.0.3.9/NYoutubeDLP.dll" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.593 +02:00] [INF] Loaded assembly "System.IO.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96bf224d23c43e59" from "/var/lib/jellyfin/plugins/YoutubeMetadata_1.0.3.9/System.IO.Abstractions.dll" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.596 +02:00] [INF] Loaded assembly "Jellyfin.Plugin.YoutubeMetadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" from "/var/lib/jellyfin/plugins/YoutubeMetadata_1.0.3.9/Jellyfin.Plugin.YoutubeMetadata.dll" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.683 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.683 +02:00] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : "[]" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.684 +02:00] [INF] Using LAN addresses: "[,,]" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.689 +02:00] [INF] Using bind addresses: "[]" [2023-09-15 08:00:13.689 +02:00] [INF] Using bind exclusions: "[]" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.312 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "YoutubeMetadata" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.312 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "TMDb" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.313 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.313 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "OMDb" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.314 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.314 +02:00] [INF] Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" "" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.364 +02:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.683 +02:00] [INF] Running startup tasks [2023-09-15 08:00:15.703 +02:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2023-09-16 02:00:00.000 +02:00, which is 17:59:44.2967538 from now. [2023-09-15 08:00:15.765 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "5.1.3" [2023-09-15 08:00:15.798 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "av1_cuvid", "av1_qsv", "h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"] [2023-09-15 08:00:15.815 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"] [2023-09-15 08:00:15.831 +02:00] [INF] Available filters: ["deinterlace_qsv", "deinterlace_vaapi", "hwupload_cuda", "hwupload_vaapi", "overlay_opencl", "overlay_qsv", "overlay_vaapi", "overlay_cuda", "procamp_vaapi", "scale_cuda", "scale_opencl", "scale_qsv", "scale_vaapi", "tonemap_cuda", "tonemap_opencl", "tonemap_vaapi", "vpp_qsv", "yadif_cuda", "zscale", "alphasrc"] [2023-09-15 08:00:15.919 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl", "vulkan"] [2023-09-15 08:00:16.033 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg" [2023-09-15 08:00:16.034 +02:00] [INF] ServerId: "090598b78cae40c7b70e8194d569bedd" [2023-09-15 08:00:16.146 +02:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1057628 [2023-09-15 08:00:16.146 +02:00] [INF] Core startup complete [2023-09-15 08:00:16.368 +02:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.2154031 [2023-09-15 08:00:16.369 +02:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:03.241582 [2023-09-15 08:00:16.396 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory "/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl/video" [2023-09-15 08:00:18.717 +02:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 08:00:18.719 +02:00] [INF] Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask" [2023-09-15 08:00:18.721 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins" [2023-09-15 08:00:19.507 +02:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2023-09-15 08:00:19.511 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2023-09-15 08:00:21.288 +02:00] [INF] No matching device profile found. The default will need to be used. DeviceIdentification { FriendlyName: "RX-V579 D3CDFA", ModelNumber: "V579", SerialNumber: "0AD07CF3", ModelName: "RX-V579", ModelDescription: "AV Receiver", ModelUrl: "", Manufacturer: "Yamaha Corporation", ManufacturerUrl: "", Headers: [] } [2023-09-15 08:00:21.293 +02:00] [INF] DLNA Session created for "RX-V579 D3CDFA" - "RX-V579" [2023-09-15 08:00:33.938 +02:00] [INF] WS "" request [2023-09-15 08:00:40.861 +02:00] [INF] WS "" closed [2023-09-15 08:00:41.464 +02:00] [INF] WS "" request [2023-09-15 08:00:41.555 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.555 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.556 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.557 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:00:41.557 +02:00] [WRN] The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider. [2023-09-15 08:01:19.306 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library" [2023-09-15 08:01:19.326 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl/video" [2023-09-15 08:01:19.330 +02:00] [INF] Validating media library [2023-09-15 08:01:19.887 +02:00] [ERR] Error running post-scan task System.ArgumentException: Not enough valid pictures provided to create a splashscreen! at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateCollage(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateSplash(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops, String outputPath) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.CreateSplashscreen(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.SplashscreenPostScanTask.Run(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.RunPostScanTasks(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [2023-09-15 08:01:19.915 +02:00] [INF] "Scan Media Library" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds [2023-09-15 08:01:19.916 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks [2023-09-15 08:01:19.942 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory "/mnt/bluedata/bluedata/media_test/youtube_dl/video" [2023-09-15 08:01:24.055 +02:00] [ERR] Connection id ""0HMTLM448IFA9"", Request id ""0HMTLM448IFA9:00000009"": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application. System.InvalidOperationException: Response Content-Length mismatch: too few bytes written (0 of 18362). [2023-09-15 08:01:59.671 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration [2023-09-15 08:01:59.672 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin" [2023-09-15 08:01:59.673 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery [2023-09-15 08:03:34.221 +02:00] [INF] Sending ForceKeepAlive message to 1 inactive WebSockets. [2023-09-15 08:03:46.226 +02:00] [INF] Lost 1 WebSockets. [2023-09-15 08:18:10.615 +02:00] [INF] WS "" closed [2023-09-15 08:18:11.359 +02:00] [INF] WS "" request

ankenyr commented 2 months ago

I think this should be resolved with the latest release.