ankidroid / Anki-Android

AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.
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Upgrade to Material Design 3 / Material You #13878

Open Lauritz-Tieste opened 11 months ago

Lauritz-Tieste commented 11 months ago

Is your feature request related to an issue? Please describe. The design of the AnkiDroid app looks a bit outdated. Whenever I open the app, I think Material 3 and AnkiDroid would look really nice.

Describe the solution you want Anki's user interface should be adapted to Material Design 3 / Material You / M3.

Describe the alternatives you considered This feature is not required but would be a very nice addition.

Additional context

welcome[bot] commented 11 months ago

Hello! 👋 Thanks for logging this issue. Please remember we are all volunteers here, so some patience may be required before we can get to the issue. Also remember that the fastest way to get resolution on an issue is to propose a change directly,

lukstbit commented 11 months ago

The app needs a facelift and implementing material design 3 would be very nice but for the foreseeable future we have more pressing issues to deal with. But I agree with this feature request.

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Hello 👋, this issue has been opened for more than 3 months with no activity on it. If the issue is still here, please keep in mind that we need community support and help to fix it! Just comment something like still searching for solutions and if you found one, please open a pull request! You have 7 days until this gets closed automatically

BrayanDSO commented 8 months ago

I'll probably finish it in 2.18 (mostly because 2.17 will have a lot of breaking changes already). I'll follow human interface guidelines as well (from which material 3 apparently got a lot of ideas)

Probably won't do it anymore or it will take several months before that. Sorry

Lauritz-Tieste commented 5 months ago

What about dynamic colors? Should this be a new issue?

BrayanDSO commented 5 months ago

What about dynamic colors? Should this be a new issue?

Nope. It's going to be part of the Material You upgrade

BrayanDSO commented 1 month ago


Android, as well as many android apps, has different theme/accent color schemes such as purple, orange, etc. Considering how much time some users such as myself spend within the app, I think it would be pleasant to have at least a few more options aside from light, dark, and black modes. Seeing as it is just a color setting, and that theming is already enabled within the app, I think there could be a lot of UI/UX gain for what I do not think should amount to much programming effort (though perhaps I am incorrect here). Perhaps as a stretch goal, the user could type in and/or use a color-picker for a custom hex for the background color, and a custom hex for the foreground color.

knakamura8 commented 1 month ago

@BrayanDSO Appreciate it!