ankidroid / Anki-Android

AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.
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AnkiDroid-folder unavailable #16275

Closed LovolaAnki closed 2 weeks ago

LovolaAnki commented 2 weeks ago

Hey everyone!

When I try to open Anki (using android) it says "AnkiDroid-folder unavailable" and then I arrive on a page for advanced settings.

It seems as it has to do with the /storage/emulated/0/Ankidroid folder.

The only folders that I can find is the following:


Haven't reinstalled or updated it. This just occured out of nowhere.

Is there any way to solve this? I have a folder with backup files. I have a folder with all the media ( So the data is there.

//worried user.

welcome[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! 👋 Thanks for logging this issue. Please remember we are all volunteers here, so some patience may be required before we can get to the issue. Also remember that the fastest way to get resolution on an issue is to propose a change directly,

david-allison commented 2 weeks ago

Google's revoked your phone's access to /AnkiDroid, see:

LovolaAnki commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks! Do you know why they have decided to revoke that access?

david-allison commented 2 weeks ago

The goal of scoped storage is to protect the privacy of app and user data. This includes protecting user information (such as photo metadata), preventing apps from modifying or deleting user files without explicit permission, and protecting sensitive user documents downloaded to Download or other folders.

Apps using scoped storage can have the following levels of access (actual access is implementation specific).

  • Read and write access to their own files with no permissions * Read access to other apps' media files with READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission

DA: READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is no longer usable

  • Write access to other apps' media files is allowed only with direct user consent (exceptions granted to System Gallery and apps that are eligible for All Files access)
  • No read or write access to other apps' external app data directories

In addition: it means that Android wipes app data by default when apps are uninstalled

david-allison commented 2 weeks ago

Closing this as a duplicate of #14423 (as there's no work to be done here)

Feel free to continue the discussion, just moving this out of our active work queue, as I believe we've improved this for 2.18