ankidroid / Anki-Android

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[BUG]: cannot import deck due scheduler version #16675

Open vinniec2 opened 5 months ago

vinniec2 commented 5 months ago

Checked for duplicates?

Does it also happen in the desktop version?

What are the steps to reproduce this bug?

Export deck to apkg from anki for pc (version 24.06.2) and import it with ankidroid (version 2.18.4).

Expected behaviour

having the deck working

Actual behaviour

Error: "500: Your collection needs to be upgraded to the v3 Scheduler. Please select Learn More before proceeding."

Debug info

(Hand copy debug info):
AnkiDroid Version = 2.18.4 (f867da96b8304edaebd0361326316bc7514f8cde)
Backed Version = 0.1.38-anki24.04.1 (24.04.1 ccd9ca1a8309b80bcb50ddc5d99c7ce63440bce9)
Android Version = 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
ProductFlavor = full
Manufacturer = Onyx
Model = Max2
Hardware = rk30board
Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Max2 Build/2020-07-23_09-52_2.3.1_6537113; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/71.0.3578.99 Safari/537.36
ACRA UUID = 6d09243f-a695-4dcc-8811-cbb92fea9fbb
FSRS Enabled = false
Crash Repotrs Enabled = true

(Optional) Anything else you want to share?

So I tried looking around, it seems that scheduler v3 is the only one supported by anki for the desktop so far, the deck was created on this version, I couldn't find any way to convert it in another scheduler version. I had previously read that ankidroid only supported the v3 scheduler version on alpha versions, however based on the error it seems as if my deck is for an older scheduler and ankidroid wants v3. To be precise I created the deck by exporting a pre-configured deck in anki for desktop with crowdanki plugin, programmatically created all the cards by editing the json and re-imported them with the same plugin and the deck works perfectly on the computer. Then I exported it in the standard apkg mode


welcome[bot] commented 5 months ago

Hello! 👋 Thanks for logging this issue. Please remember we are all volunteers here, so some patience may be required before we can get to the issue. Also remember that the fastest way to get resolution on an issue is to propose a change directly,

vinniec2 commented 5 months ago

I have tried now with the other format "colpkg" and it is imported correctly, I will try a bit to see if there are any problems

BrayanDSO commented 3 months ago

I think that this is solved, so I'll close this.

david-allison commented 3 months ago

@BrayanDSO I'm unsure on this one, I've seen it a few times, but the issue sorts itself out and I couldn't get a reproduction case

I'd say 'inconclusive'