ankidroid / Anki-Android

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[BUG]: Browser Column Headers Language Doesn't Change #17367

Open brishtibheja opened 3 weeks ago

brishtibheja commented 3 weeks ago

Checked for duplicates?

Does it also happen in the desktop version?

What are the steps to reproduce this bug?

  1. Go to the Card Browser.
  2. Open menu. Click Settings > General > Langauge.
  3. Change language.

Expected behaviour

Now if you back and see the browser's column header here: Image The langauge doesn't change. I have also seen crashes multiple times when trying to change langauge (one just now).

Debug info

AnkiDroid Version = 2.20alpha1 (edd1c61e6445ccac2ddf3cabe0d63c6a303f27b7)

Backend Version = 0.1.43-anki24.10rc2 (24.10rc2 898c91284bc97c928adbf1bcc8ca885b068dac5f)

Android Version = 11 (SDK 30)

ProductFlavor = full

Manufacturer = realme

Model = RMX2193

Hardware = mt6768

Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; RMX2193 Build/RP1A.200720.011; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/130.0.6723.58 Mobile Safari/537.36

ACRA UUID = cf265e01-9693-407f-984d-61ddf9698fac

FSRS = 1.4.3 (Enabled: true)

Crash Reports Enabled = true

(Optional) Anything else you want to share?

No response


soCallmeAdityaKumar commented 3 weeks ago

Looking into it!!

BrayanDSO commented 6 days ago

AFAIK, the string comes from the backend. Maybe there's an issue with the backend loading the new language after the change, or because the columns labels aren't reloaded after a configuration change

david-allison commented 5 days ago

PR already in place. We get the column names from the backend and don't handle the language change