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[Feature] Font/color substitutions for specific fonts/text colors, in chat room text. #760

Open SteegHobland opened 10 months ago

SteegHobland commented 10 months ago

It can be frustrating that the fonts used, or colors used, in a chat room are hard to read. I specifically use Wireclub, but this could apply to other chat sites as well.

I'd like to be able to swap specific fonts, or font styles to different ones. For example, swap the Courier New font in the chat box with Andale mono, or Noto Serif, etc.; or change regular style to bold, bold/italic, semibold, etc.

Also, to easily substitute a hard to read text color, whether vaguely defined, or a specific hex value, to a different one. For example, swap reddish colors to bluish ones; or swap FF5722 to 2962FF.

Also, the option to affect character weight, depending on color, would be nice to have. For example, change specified fonts to bold, when lighter than some threshold, or for specific colors.

But preferably without affecting all the other fonts on the page, and preferably just for the lines of chat themselves.

I'm not sure how you'd do this currently, if possible.

Thank you for considering this request.