ankit705yadav / Full-stack-real-estate
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bhai real estate issue aa raha hai #2

Open abhay-0602 opened 4 months ago

abhay-0602 commented 4 months ago

Invalid prisma.residency.create() invocation:

{ data: { title: 'Poonam Palace', description: 'Beautiful', price: 300000, address: 'colaba', country: 'India', city: 'mumbai', facilities: { bedrooms: 2, parkings: 2, bathrooms: 2 }, image: '', owner: { connect: { ? email?: String, ? id?: String }, ? create?: UserCreateWithoutOwnedResidenciesInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutOwnedResidenciesInput, ? connectOrCreate?: { ? where: UserWhereUniqueInput, ? create: UserCreateWithoutOwnedResidenciesInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutOwnedResidenciesInput ? } } } }

Argument data.owner.connect of type UserWhereUniqueInput needs at least one argument. Available args are listed in green.

Note: Lines with ? are optional.

at file:///F:/Final%20project/server/controllers/resdCntrl.js:40:15Creating a user

[nodemon] restarting due to changes... [nodemon] starting node index.js Server is running on port 8000 { title: 'octal', description: 'fgdgg', price: 1000000, country: 'India', city: 'mumbai', address: 'vasai', image: '', facilities: { bedrooms: 2, parkings: 2, bathrooms: 2 } } Error: Invalid prisma.residency.create() invocation:

{ data: { title: 'octal', description: 'fgdgg', price: 1000000, address: 'vasai', country: 'India', city: 'mumbai', facilities: { bedrooms: 2, parkings: 2, bathrooms: 2 }, image: '',

Argument owner for data.owner is missing.

Note: Lines with + are required, lines with ? are optional.

at file:///F:/Final%20project/server/controllers/resdCntrl.js:40:15
abhay-0602 commented 4 months ago

Property add karte waqt