ankitbisen28 / Atelier

Letest web app for custom clothing, Using React vite and Nodejs
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Feature Request: Show Recent Projects and Saved Jobs on Home Page #16

Open ankitbisen28 opened 1 week ago

ankitbisen28 commented 1 week ago


Add a feature to display recent projects on the home page under a "Recent Projects" tab, along with a "Saved Jobs" tab. This will allow users to easily access the most recent projects and their saved jobs.


  1. Home Page Tabs:

    • Add two tabs on the home page: "Recent Projects" and "Saved Jobs".
    • The "Recent Projects" tab will display the most recently posted projects.
    • The "Saved Jobs" tab will display the projects that the user has saved.
  2. Recent Projects Tab:

    • Fetch and display the most recent projects.
    • Each project entry should display the project title, a brief description, and the deadline.
  3. Saved Jobs Tab:

    • Fetch and display the projects that the user has saved.
    • Each saved project entry should display the project title, a brief description, and the deadline.

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Information

Mockups / Examples

Provide any mockups or examples of the desired component if available.

Technical Requirements

Steps to Implement

  1. Backend: Fetch Recent Projects:

    • Create an endpoint to fetch the most recent projects.
    const express = require('express');
    const router = express.Router();
    const Project = require('../models/project');
    const { ensureAuthenticated } = require('../middleware/auth');
    router.get('/projects/recent', async (req, res) => {
        try {
            const recentProjects = await Project.find().sort({ createdAt: -1 }).limit(10);
        } catch (error) {
            res.status(500).json({ message: 'Failed to fetch recent projects', error });
    module.exports = router;
  2. Backend: Fetch Saved Jobs:

    • Create an endpoint to fetch the projects saved by the user.
    const express = require('express');
    const router = express.Router();
    const User = require('../models/user');
    const { ensureAuthenticated } = require('../middleware/auth');
    router.get('/users/:id/saved-projects', ensureAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
        try {
            const user = await User.findById('savedProjects');
            if (!user) {
                return res.status(404).json({ message: 'User not found' });
        } catch (error) {
            res.status(500).json({ message: 'Failed to fetch saved projects', error });
    module.exports = router;
  3. Integrate and Test:

    • Ensure the backend and frontend components are integrated correctly.
    • Test the feature thoroughly to ensure recent projects and saved jobs are displayed as expected.
