ankitbisen28 / Atelier

Letest web app for custom clothing, Using React vite and Nodejs
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Feature Request: Project Detail Component with Bidding and User Card #7

Open ankitbisen28 opened 3 weeks ago

ankitbisen28 commented 3 weeks ago


Create a Project Detail Component with the following features:


  1. Project Images Display:

    • Users should be able to see all related project images in a gallery or carousel format.
    • Support for multiple image formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF).
  2. Markdown to HTML Converter:

    • Integrate a Markdown to HTML converter to display project requirements.
    • Ensure proper rendering of Markdown elements such as headings, lists, code blocks, etc.
    • Handle large Markdown files efficiently.
  3. Save User Preferences:

    • Implement a save button that allows users to save their viewing preferences.
    • Preferences might include layout settings, selected images, and markdown viewing modes.
    • Store preferences in local storage or a user-specific backend endpoint.
  4. Apply for Bidding:

    • Provide an "Apply for Bidding" button for users to express interest in the project.
    • Include a form to capture necessary information for the bid.
    • Ensure secure submission and storage of bid information.
  5. User Card for Project Poster:

    • Display a user card at the bottom of the project detail page.
    • The user card should show basic details about the project poster, such as:
      • Name
      • Profile picture
      • Contact information
      • Brief bio or description
    • Ensure the user card is visually appealing and accessible.

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Information

Mockups / Examples

Provide any mockups or examples of the desired component if available.

Technical Requirements
