ankitdhall / lidar_camera_calibration

ROS package to find a rigid-body transformation between a LiDAR and a camera for "LiDAR-Camera Calibration using 3D-3D Point correspondences"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized #115

Closed roylu307 closed 4 years ago

roylu307 commented 4 years ago

I ran into this problem either I was calibrating online or with rosbag. with rosbag I used --clock and uncommented the sim time parameter in the launch file. It seems like the problem with TRANSFORM. has anyone run into this problem and solved it?

The process was killed but still detecting the markers as indicated by the terminal. Only the mono8 window was shown.



NODES / aruco_mapping (aruco_mapping/aruco_mapping) find_transform (lidar_camera_calibration/find_transform)


process[aruco_mapping-1]: started with pid [9387] process[find_transform-2]: started with pid [9388] [ INFO] [1583427817.673956045]: Calibration file path: /home/roy/spinnaker_ws/src/aruco_mapping/data/zed_left_uurmi.ini [ INFO] [1583427817.674008534]: Number of markers: 2 [ INFO] [1583427817.674031962]: Marker Size: 0.2 [ INFO] [1583427817.674046015]: Type of space: plane [ INFO] [1583427817.674061787]: ROI allowed: 0 [ INFO] [1583427817.674078689]: ROI x-coor: 1702043748 [ INFO] [1583427817.674093541]: ROI y-coor: 1702043748 [ INFO] [1583427817.674108455]: ROI width: 543649385 [ INFO] [1583427817.674121908]: ROI height: 1830839924 Size of the frame: 2048 x 1536 Limits: -2.5 to 2.5 Limits: -4 to 4 Limits: 0 to 2.5 Number of markers: 2 Intensity threshold (between 0.0 and 1.0): 0.05 useCameraInfo: 0 Projection matrix: [1390.7552, 0, 1039.3367, 0; 0, 1390.4637, 768.77509, 0; 0, 0, 1, 0] MAX_ITERS: 100 Lidartype: Velodyne initial rotation: 1.57 -1.57 0 initial translation: 0 0 0 [ INFO] [1583427817.678097510]: Calibration data loaded successfully [ INFO] [1583427817.682240179]: Reading CameraInfo from configuration file 26=(800.428,504.513) (908.151,584.925) (827.571,693.099) (720.963,612.939) Txyz=-0.33583 -0.256717 2.06047 Rxyz=-0.797583 -1.64809 1.66158 582=(1258.5,584.203) (1366.49,662.215) (1291.55,772.116) (1182.37,694.123) Txyz=0.348411 -0.138969 2.05771 Rxyz=-0.942141 -1.68777 1.64306 [ INFO] [1583427819.849306515, 1582565468.187454146]: First marker with ID: 26 detected **[ WARN] [1583427819.976807360, 1582565468.328572356]: TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized Error: TF_DENORMALIZED_QUATERNION: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "camera_position" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of an invalid quaternion in the transform (-0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000) at line 257 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-tf2-0.5.20/src/buffercore.cpp** [ INFO] [1583427819.992628794, 1582565468.338658159]: Velodyne scan received at 1.58257e+09 [ INFO] [1583427819.992728401, 1582565468.338658159]: marker_6dof received at 1.58257e+09

Initial Rot 0.000796274 -0.999999 -0.000796274 0 0.000796274 -1 1 0.000796274 6.34053e-07 26=(800.307,504.395) (908.168,584.836) (827.367,693.065) (720.831,612.849) Txyz=-0.335721 -0.256637 2.05876 Rxyz=-0.797163 -1.64592 1.66389 582=(1258.47,584.208) (1365.97,662.36) (1291.43,772.133) (1182.55,694.093) Txyz=0.348337 -0.13893 2.05793 Rxyz=-0.955682 -1.69736 1.63967 _*[find_transform-2] process has died [pid 9388, exit code -11, cmd /home/roy/spinnaker_ws/devel/lib/lidar_camera_calibration/find_transform __name:=find_transform __log:=/home/roy/.ros/log/ad19d36a-5f00-11ea-a683-0c54156ec1f2/find_transform-2.log]. log file: /home/roy/.ros/log/ad19d36a-5f00-11ea-a683-0c54156ec1f2/find_transform-2.log**_ 26=(800.349,504.462) (908.172,584.763) (827.388,693.006) (720.68,612.812) Txyz=-0.335738 -0.256709 2.05881 Rxyz=-0.80504 -1.6445 1.66828 582=(1258.46,584.267) (1365.87,662.442) (1291.38,772.121) (1182.63,694.08) Txyz=0.348459 -0.13895 2.05881 Rxyz=-0.957674 -1.69839 1.63997 26=(800.341,504.406) (908.142,584.773) (827.349,693.016) (720.641,612.78) Txyz=-0.335732 -0.25669 2.05849 Rxyz=-0.803772 -1.64507 1.66758 582=(1258.43,584.296) (1365.52,662.404) (1291.4,772.14) (1182.72,694.048) Txyz=0.348398 -0.138958 2.05879 Rxyz=-0.966515 -1.70329 1.63824

dejongyeong commented 4 years ago

@roylu307 I got the same issue too. Do you have any idea how to solve it? Thanks

crankler commented 4 years ago

Have you all solve this problem?

miriamrebekah commented 3 years ago

@roylu307 , did you every get a solution to this issue?

Wuxinxiaoshifu commented 2 years ago

i also meet this problem! Has somebody solved this?

0NNS0 commented 1 year ago

我也遇到了这个问题,然后得到了解决。 我遇到这个问题的情况是:我在电脑上对录制的rosbag进行标定。 解决问题的情况是:我在电脑上对传感器进行实时的标定。 原因我认为是:如果对录制的rosbag进行标定,雷达的时间戳是录制时的时间戳,而aruco mapping的时间戳是当前运行程序时的时间戳,所以TF不会进行转化。 所以为了避免此问题的出现,必须对传感器进行实时的标定,而非录制bag后再进行标定。

Lin239522 commented 1 year ago


我也遇到了这个问题,然后得到了解决。 我遇到这个问题的情况是:我在电脑上对录制的rosbag进行标定。 解决问题的情况是:我在电脑上对传感器进行实时的标定。 原因我认为是:如果对录制的rosbag进行标定,雷达的时间戳是录制时的时间戳,而aruco mapping的时间戳是当前运行程序时的时间戳,所以TF不会进行转化。 所以为了避免此问题的出现,必须对传感器进行实时的标定,而非录制bag后再进行标定。