Open zat1999 opened 1 year ago
I also have the same problem, If you have a solution, please let me know. Thank you very much
@Superyanzhuang I think it was an error with the parser. It wasn't able to read the value from the distortion matrix properly. As a temporary measure I just hard coded the values from my calibration file distortion value into the main.cpp file.
for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
distortion_coeff->at<double>(i,0) =;
//Just comment this out and hard code the values for each d coefficient
Also not sure if you have this issue but after remapping the publishing topic from my camera to '/image_raw' in the launch file specified by the subscriber, the new topic didn't appear. To fix that issue I just edit this line in the main.cpp:
image_transport::Subscriber img_sub = it.subscribe("/image_raw", 1, &aruco_mapping::ArucoMapping::imageCallback, &obj);
image_transport::Subscriber img_sub = it.subscribe("/zed2i/node/...", 1, &aruco_mapping::ArucoMapping::imageCallback, &obj);
While it's not really a permanent solution, hopefully with this temporary fix you can find a proper solution.
also not sure if I should make a new thread for this but it's still a related problem regarding the aruco_mapping launcher. When I try to launch the file, I get an error prior to the line:
in the aruco_mapping.cpp file, line 207
Error message in question:
[aruco_mapping-1] process has died [pid 70288, exit code -11, cmd /home/mic-711/catkin_ws/devel/lib/aruco_mapping/aruco_mapping
Any idea what this exit code means?
Thank you for your reply,refer to # 17 and your suggestions, but the issue has not been resolved. Perhaps I need to calm down and take a good look at the code. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Thank you
@Superyanzhuang I think it was an error with the parser. It wasn't able to read the value from the distortion matrix properly. As a temporary measure I just hard coded the values from my calibration file distortion value into the main.cpp file.
for(size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) distortion_coeff->at<double>(i,0) =; //Just comment this out and hard code the values for each d coefficient
Also not sure if you have this issue but after remapping the publishing topic from my camera to '/image_raw' in the launch file specified by the subscriber, the new topic didn't appear. To fix that issue I just edit this line in the main.cpp:
image_transport::Subscriber img_sub = it.subscribe("/image_raw", 1, &aruco_mapping::ArucoMapping::imageCallback, &obj); //to image_transport::Subscriber img_sub = it.subscribe("/zed2i/node/...", 1, &aruco_mapping::ArucoMapping::imageCallback, &obj);
While it's not really a permanent solution, hopefully with this temporary fix you can find a proper solution. Yes, the parseCalibration() function is not working(aruco_mapping.cpp), which may be the reason for the error
I think it's an issue with my remap however am not so how what topics is required. Am using a stereo zed2i camera, running rostopic list gives me several topics, example of the format would be:
I tried changing the topics but the same error message still appeared.
this is my launch file:
The camera I am using is a zed2i camera connecting to a jetson orin nx, it plugs into the 3.0usb of the orin and c-type of camera.
Any help would be appreciated thank you.