ankitsejwal / Lyndor

:rocket: Powerful command line tool to download courses for personal offline use. :part_alternation_mark:
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Periodically, some numbered folders will not populate with downloaded files #19

Closed TFWol closed 6 years ago

TFWol commented 6 years ago

Occasionally, seemingly random files fail to get moved into the folders that start with a number Not sure why, but haven't looked into it yet; lack of time.

ankitsejwal commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue @thefinalwolf. Fortunately, I haven't faced this issue yet. If this issue persists next time could you please supply me with some more information i.e course URL, OS, python version you're using etc.


TFWol commented 6 years ago

No prob.

Python version: 2.7.10 OS: Win 7

Here are some effected courses (will keep adding to the list as I come across them): URLs:

Errors look similar to below (fortunately the files do exist in the directory):

Moving files inside: 00. Introduction
Moving files inside: 01. 3D Printer Settings
Moving files inside: 02. Slicer and Host Programs
File not found: 05 - Slicers and hosts
File not found: 06 - Slic3r

Update: It looks like below is the issue:

Sometimes the text value ends up getting something weird like '05 - Slicers and hosts\n New.mp4'

This causes the video to not be found since it doesn't match what it's looking for. I'm not sure where the New is coming from...

TFWol commented 6 years ago

Figured out a solution, will do a pull request.