ankitstarski / GeoclueShare

GeoclueShare is an Android application that lets you share your Android GPS location with a GNOME Desktop located on the same WiFi network. You can disable or enable location sharing service in GeoclueShare as per your needs.
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lacking documentation on usage #4

Open rickysarraf opened 9 years ago

rickysarraf commented 9 years ago

Congratulations on completion of your GSoC project. Now that Geoclue 2.3 is release and so is GNOME 3.18, can we have some documentation on how to use it ?

Currently, as a user, one downloads the app. And that's it. There is no pointer on what needs to be done on the PC.

rickysarraf commented 9 years ago

I run the demo app on my laptop. But it does not seem to talk to the Android App.

rrs@chutzpah:~$ /usr/lib/geoclue-2.0/demos/where-am-i
Client object: /org/freedesktop/GeoClue2/Client/1

New location:
Latitude:    12.983300°
Longitude:   77.583300°
Accuracy:    50000.000000 meters

New location:
Latitude:    12.983300°
Longitude:   77.583300°
Accuracy:    50000.000000 meters
Speed:       0.000000 meters/second
Heading:     90.000000°
17:07 ♒♒♒   ☺    
ankitstarski commented 9 years ago


Thanks for showing interest in GeoclueShare. I'll make sure to add usage instructions in the future.

In the meantime, to use GeoclueShare with your GNOME desktop you need to do the following:

  1. Install GeoclueShare on your GPS enabled Android Phone.
  2. Connect GNOME desktop and GeoclueShare both on the same WiFi network.
  3. Turn on sharing from GeoclueShare android application.
  4. Request Geoclue for location on GNOME desktop (it will automatically detect and use your android phone as a GPS source).

Note: Since, we are using only GPS as location source from android (and not mobile network too), initially you might have to wait for a GPS location from android device.

rickysarraf commented 9 years ago

On Sun, 2015-09-27 at 08:29 -0700, Ankit wrote:

Hi, Thanks for showing interest in GeoclueShare. I'll make sure to add usage instructions in the future. In the meantime, to use GeoclueShare with your GNOME desktop you need to do the following: Install GeoclueShare on your GPS enabled Android Phone. Connect GNOME desktop and GeoclueShare both on the same WiFi network. Turn on sharing from GeoclueShare android application. Request Geoclue for location on GNOME desktop (it will automatically detect and use your android phone as a GPS source). Note: Since, we are using only GPS as location source from android (and not mobile network too), initially you might have to wait for a GPS location from android device.

Doesn't help much. I only get the location data from wifi aps. The phone's geoclue share does not report of any device connecting to it.

Are there no plans to have an interface in geoclue/gnome to explicitly give the Mobile Phone's WIFI mac address ?

Ritesh Raj Sarraf RESEARCHUT - "Necessity is the mother of invention."

ankitstarski commented 9 years ago

No, you can't do that explicitly.

But, you might want to use the latest version of Geoclue. If you are using the latest version of Geoclue, you might want to check whether you WiFI router has Muticast support enabled.

Also, turn on GeoclueShare and check with avahi-browse --all command in the GNOME terminal

rickysarraf commented 9 years ago

On Sun, 2015-09-27 at 09:38 -0700, Ankit wrote:

No, you can't do that explicitly.

Not even as a Feature Request ??

But, you might want to use the latest version of Geoclue. If you are using the latest version of Geoclue,

I'm currently on 2.3.0

you might want to check whether you WiFI router has Muticast support enabled.

I am on TP Link router and I did not see any option for it.

So if Multicase support is the only way to use this feature, I wonder how many end users would be able to use it....

Also, turn on GeoclueShare and check with avahi-browse --all command in the GNOME terminal

Okay! Thanks. This is good info. Perhaps something that should go in your User Documentation too.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf RESEARCHUT - "Necessity is the mother of invention."

ankitstarski commented 9 years ago

You may file a feature request here:

Most of the WiFi routers support multicast.

Did you run avahi-browse --all to browse for all the mDNS services on the network?

filipkemuel commented 6 years ago

There are a few prerequisites for it to just work:

  1. The phone must be set to a locale that uses a "." as decimal separator
  2. Avahi and nss-mdns needs to be installed on your computer and running as a service.
  3. /etc/nsswitch.conf needs to include mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] before resolve and dns on the host line. Something like: hosts: ... mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns ...
  4. Firewall needs to have the ports for Avahi/mDNS(UDP 5353) and the GeoclueShare(TCP 10110) open.

Many Linux-distros have point 2 and 3 set up from the beginning but not all. (On Arch I had to edit nsswitch.conf)

Then all there is to it, is to install the apk on your phone, run it, and turn on "Location Sharing".

Then geoclue should automatically find the location via your phone as long as they are both connected to the same wifi

zeenix commented 5 years ago

@filipkemuel Thanks for providing the docs in the previous comment. If you could provide a PR that adds this to the, that would be awesome!