[ ] Bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
[x] Feature request
[ ] Other, please describe
Tell about your platform
Vue.js version : 3.0.0
Browser name and version : Brave Version 1.48.171 Chromium: 110.0.5481.177 (Official Build) (arm64)
This package version : 5.0.3
Feature Request:
It would be nice if we have props to add in message below the loading icon. This would be nice if we have different messages to control and show on different process.
Either add in props
or just add in message prop, if its not provided, then don't show the message. Both is fine :)
**I'm submitting a FEATURE REQUEST
Tell about your platform
Feature Request:
It would be nice if we have props to add in message below the loading icon. This would be nice if we have different messages to control and show on different process. Either add in props