ankurp / Dollar

A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
MIT License
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How to add to a project #89

Closed ccorcos closed 10 years ago

ccorcos commented 10 years ago

I still can't figure out how to get this to work in my project. Do I drag the .xcodeproj into my .xcworkspace? Do I drag just the folder? Or the .framework? Sorry, I'm just not to familiar with not using Cocoapods ;)

ankurp commented 10 years ago

You can try dragging the Framework from the Target folder of Dollar into your project.

Right now there are some issues with cocoa pod. Best would be to drag the Dollar.swift file into your project if the framework doesn't work.

ccorcos commented 10 years ago

that seems to work

P.S. why isn't this an addition?

    public class func findAll<T: Equatable>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> [T]! {
        var res = [T]()
        for elem in array {
            let result = iterator(elem)
            if result {
                res += elem
        return res
CrabDude commented 10 years ago

You can try dragging the Framework from the Target folder of Dollar into your project.

Could you be more explicit/clarify/elaborate. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean anything to me since I see no folders named "Target" or "Framework".

Edit: I've dragged /Cent and /Cent/Cent into my project, and I still receive

import Cent  << "No such module 'Cent'"

Edit 2: I'm new to iOS and Swift.

ccorcos commented 10 years ago

Create a file in your project like this:

//    ___    ___       __   ___  ________ _________
//  _|\  \__|\  \     |\  \|\  \|\  _____\\___   ___\
// |\   ____\ \  \    \ \  \ \  \ \  \__/\|___ \  \_|
// \ \  \___|\ \  \  __\ \  \ \  \ \   __\    \ \  \
//  \ \_____  \ \  \|\__\_\  \ \  \ \  \_|     \ \  \
//   \|____|\  \ \____________\ \__\ \__\       \ \__\
//     ____\_\  \|____________|\|__|\|__|        \|__|
//    |\___    __\
//    \|___|\__\_|
//         \|__|
//  $.swift
//  $ - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language
//  Created by Ankur Patel on 6/3/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Encore Dev Labs LLC. All rights reserved.

import Foundation

public class Dollar {

    //  ________  ___  ___  ________  ___  ________
    // |\   ____\|\  \|\  \|\   __  \|\  \|\   ___  \
    // \ \  \___|\ \  \\\  \ \  \|\  \ \  \ \  \\ \  \
    //  \ \  \    \ \   __  \ \   __  \ \  \ \  \\ \  \
    //   \ \  \____\ \  \ \  \ \  \ \  \ \  \ \  \\ \  \
    //    \ \_______\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \__\\ \__\
    //     \|_______|\|__|\|__|\|__|\|__|\|__|\|__| \|__|

    private var resultArray: [AnyObject] = []

    private var lazyQueue: [(AnyObject) -> (AnyObject?)] = []

    /// Initializer of the wrapper object for chaining.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    public init(array: [AnyObject]) {
        self.resultArray = array

    private func queue(function: (AnyObject) -> (AnyObject?)) -> Dollar {
        return self

    /// Get the first object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return First element from the array.
    public func first() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.first($0 as Array)

    /// Get the second object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Second element from the array.
    public func second() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.second($0 as Array)

    /// Get the third object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Third element from the array.
    public func third() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.third($0 as Array)

    /// Get the fourth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Fourth element from the array.
    public func fourth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.fourth($0 as Array)

    /// Get the fifth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Fifth element from the array.
    public func fifth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.fifth($0 as Array)

    /// Get the sixth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Sixth element from the array.
    public func sixth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.sixth($0 as Array)

    /// Get the seventh object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Seventh element from the array.
    public func seventh() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.seventh($0 as Array)

    /// Get the eighth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Eighth element from the array.
    public func eighth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.eighth($0 as Array)

    /// Get the ninth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Ninth element from the array.
    public func ninth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.ninth($0 as Array)

    /// Get the tenth object in the wrapper object.
    /// :return Tenth element from the array.
    public func tenth() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            Dollar.tenth($0 as Array)

    /// Another comment
    /// Flattens nested array.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func flatten() -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            return Dollar.flatten($0 as [AnyObject])

    /// Keeps all the elements except last one.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func initial() -> Dollar {
        return self.initial(1)

    /// Keeps all the elements except last n elements.
    /// :param numElements Number of items to remove from the end of the array.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func initial(numElements: Int) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            return Dollar.initial($0 as [AnyObject], numElements: numElements)

    /// Maps elements to new elements.
    /// :param function Function to map.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func map(function: (AnyObject) -> AnyObject) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            var result: [AnyObject] = []
            for elem : AnyObject in $0 as [AnyObject] {
                result += function(elem)
            return result

    /// Get the first object in the wrapper object.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func map(function: (Int, AnyObject) -> AnyObject) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            var result: [AnyObject] = []
            for (index, elem : AnyObject) in enumerate($0 as [AnyObject]) {
                result += function(index, elem)
            return result

    /// Get the first object in the wrapper object.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func each(function: (AnyObject) -> ()) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            for elem : AnyObject in $0 as [AnyObject] {
            return $0

    /// Get the first object in the wrapper object.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func each(function: (Int, AnyObject) -> ()) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            for (index, elem : AnyObject) in enumerate($0 as [AnyObject]) {
                function(index, elem)
            return $0

    /// Filter elements based on the function passed.
    /// :param function Function to tell whether to keep an element or remove.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func filter(function: (AnyObject) -> Bool) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            return ($0 as [AnyObject]).filter(function)

    /// Returns if all elements in array are true based on the passed function.
    /// :param function Function to tell whether element value is true or false.
    /// :return Whether all elements are true according to func function.
    public func all(function: (AnyObject) -> Bool) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            return Dollar.every($0 as Array, iterator: function)

    /// Returns if any element in array is true based on the passed function.
    /// :param function Function to tell whether element value is true or false.
    /// :return Whether any one element is true according to func function in the array.
    public func any(function: (AnyObject) -> Bool) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            for elem : AnyObject in $0 as [AnyObject] {
                if function(elem) {
                    return true
            return false

    /// Slice the array into smaller size based on start and end value.
    /// :param start Start index to start slicing from.
    /// :param end End index to stop slicing to and not including element at that index.
    /// :return The wrapper object.
    public func slice(start: Int, end: Int = 0) -> Dollar {
        return self.queue {
            return Dollar.slice($0 as [AnyObject], start: start, end: end);

    /// Get the final result from the wrapper object to terminated the chain.
    /// :return Final resulting array from applying all functions on it.
    public func value() -> AnyObject? {
        var result : AnyObject? = self.resultArray
        for step in self.lazyQueue {
            result = step(result!)
        if let val: AnyObject = result {
            return val
        } else {
            return self.resultArray

    ///  ___  ___  _______   ___       ________  _______   ________
    /// |\  \|\  \|\  ___ \ |\  \     |\   __  \|\  ___ \ |\   __  \
    /// \ \  \\\  \ \   __/|\ \  \    \ \  \|\  \ \   __/|\ \  \|\  \
    ///  \ \   __  \ \  \_|/_\ \  \    \ \   ____\ \  \_|/_\ \   _  _\
    ///   \ \  \ \  \ \  \_|\ \ \  \____\ \  \___|\ \  \_|\ \ \  \\  \|
    ///    \ \__\ \__\ \_______\ \_______\ \__\    \ \_______\ \__\\ _\
    ///     \|__|\|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__|     \|_______|\|__|\|__|

    /// Creates a function that executes passed function only after being called n times.
    /// :param n Number of times after which to call function.
    /// :param function Function to be called that takes params.
    /// :return Function that can be called n times after which the callback function is called.
    public class func after<T, E>(n: Int, function: (T...) -> E) -> ((T...) -> E?) {
        var counter = n
        return { (params: (T...)) -> E? in
            if --counter <= 0 {
                return function(reinterpretCast(params))
            return nil

    /// Creates a function that executes passed function only after being called n times.
    /// :param n Number of times after which to call function.
    /// :param function Function to be called that does not take any params.
    /// :return Function that can be called n times after which the callback function is called.
    public class func after<T>(n: Int, function: () -> T) -> (() -> T?) {
        let f = self.after(n) { (params: (Any?...)) -> T? in
            return function()
        return { f()? }

    /// Creates an array of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the collection.
    /// Indexes may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays of indexes.
    /// :param array The array to source from
    /// :param indexes Get elements from these indexes
    /// :return New array with elements from the indexes specified.
    public class func at<T>(array: [T], indexes: Int...) -> [T] {
        return, indexes: indexes)

    /// Creates an array of elements from the specified indexes, or keys, of the collection.
    /// Indexes may be specified as individual arguments or as arrays of indexes.
    /// :param array The array to source from
    /// :param indexes Get elements from these indexes
    /// :return New array with elements from the indexes specified.
    public class func at<T>(array: [T], indexes: [Int]) -> [T] {
        var result: [T] = []
        for index in indexes {
            result += array[index]
        return result

    /// Creates a function that, when called, invokes func with the binding of arguments provided.
    /// :param function Function to be bound.
    /// :param parameters Parameters to be passed into the function when being invoked.
    /// :return A new function that when called will invoked the passed function with the parameters specified.
    public class func bind<T, E>(function: (T...) -> E, _ parameters: T...) -> (() -> E) {
        return { () -> E in
            return function(reinterpretCast(parameters))

    /// Creates an array with all nil values removed.
    /// :param array Array to be compacted.
    /// :return A new array that doesnt have any nil values.
    public class func compact<T>(array: [T?]) -> [T] {
        var result: [T] = []
        for elem in array {
            if let val = elem {
                result += val
        return result

    /// Checks if a given value is present in the array.
    /// :param array The array to check against.
    /// :param value The value to check.
    /// :return Whether value is in the array.
    public class func contains<T : Equatable>(array: [T], value: T) -> Bool {
        return Swift.contains(array, value)

    /// Create a copy of an array
    /// :param array The array to copy
    /// :return New copy of array
    public class func copy<T>(array: [T]) -> [T] {
        var newArr : [T] = []
        for elem in array {
        return newArr

    /// Creates an array excluding all values of the provided arrays.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to difference between.
    /// :return The difference between the first array and all the remaining arrays from the arrays params.
    public class func difference<T : Hashable>(arrays: [T]...) -> [T] {
        var result : [T] = []
        var map : [T: Int] = [T: Int]()
        let firstArr : [T] = self.first(arrays)!
        let restArr : [[T]] = as [[T]]

        for elem in firstArr {
            if let val = map[elem] {
                map[elem] = val + 1
            } else {
                map[elem] = 1
        for arr in restArr {
            for elem in arr {
        for (key, count) in map {
            for _ in 0..<count {
                result += key
        return result

    /// Checks if the given callback returns true value for all items in the array.
    /// :param array The array to check.
    /// :param iterator Check whether element value is true or false.
    /// :return First element from the array.
    public class func every<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> Bool {
        for elem in array {
            if !iterator(elem) {
                return false
        return true

    /// Iterates over elements of an array and returning the first element
    /// that the callback returns true for.
    /// :param array The array to search for the element in.
    /// :param iterator The iterator function to tell whether element is found.
    /// :return Optional containing either found element or nil.
    public class func find<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> T? {
        for elem in array {
            let result = iterator(elem)
            if result {
                return elem
        return nil

    /// This method is like find except that it returns the index of the first element
    /// that passes the callback check.
    /// :param array The array to search for the element in.
    /// :param iterator Function used to figure out whether element is the same.
    /// :return First element's index from the array found using the iterator.
    public class func findIndex<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> Int? {
        for (index, elem : T) in enumerate(array) {
            if iterator(elem) {
                return index
        return nil

    /// This method is like findIndex except that it iterates over elements of the array
    /// from right to left.
    /// :param array The array to search for the element in.
    /// :param iterator Function used to figure out whether element is the same.
    /// :return Last element's index from the array found using the iterator.
    public class func findLastIndex<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> Int? {
        let count = array.count
        for (index, _) in enumerate(array) {
            let reverseIndex = count - (index + 1)
            let elem : T = array[reverseIndex]
            if iterator(elem) {
                return reverseIndex
        return nil

    /// Gets the first element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return First element from the array.
    public class func first<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.isEmpty {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[0]

    /// Gets the second element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Second element from the array.
    public class func second<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 2 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[1]

    /// Gets the third element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Third element from the array.
    public class func third<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 3 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[2]

    /// Gets the fourth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Fourth element from the array.
    public class func fourth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 4 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[3]

    /// Gets the fifth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Fifth element from the array.
    public class func fifth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 5 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[4]

    /// Gets the sixth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Sixth element from the array.
    public class func sixth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 6 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[5]

    /// Gets the seventh element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Seventh element from the array.
    public class func seventh<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 7 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[6]

    /// Gets the eighth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Eighth element from the array.
    public class func eighth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 8 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[7]

    /// Gets the ninth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Ninth element from the array.
    public class func ninth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 9 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[8]

    /// Gets the tenth element in the array.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return Tenth element from the array.
    public class func tenth<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.count < 10 {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[9]

    /// Flattens a nested array of any depth.
    /// :param array The array to flatten.
    /// :return Flattened array.
    public class func flatten(array: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] {
        var resultArr: [AnyObject] = []
        for elem : AnyObject in array {
            if let val = elem as? [AnyObject] {
                resultArr += self.flatten(val)
            } else {
                resultArr += elem
        return resultArr

    /// Randomly shuffles the elements of an array.
    /// :param array The array to shuffle.
    /// :return Shuffled array
    public class func shuffle<T>(array: [T]) -> [T] {
        var newArr = self.copy(array)
        // Implementation of Fisher-Yates shuffle
        for index in 0..<array.count {
            var randIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(index)))

            // We use in-out parameters to swap the internals of the array
            Swift.swap(&newArr[index], &newArr[randIndex])
        return newArr

    /// This method returns a dictionary of values in an array mapping to the
    /// total number of occurrences in the array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return Dictionary that contains the key generated from the element passed in the function.
    public class func frequencies<T>(array: [T]) -> [T: Int] {
        return self.frequencies(array) { $0 }

    /// This method returns a dictionary of values in an array mapping to the
    /// total number of occurrences in the array. If passed a function it returns
    /// a frequency table of the results of the given function on the arrays elements.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param function The function to get value of the key for each element to group by.
    /// :return Dictionary that contains the key generated from the element passed in the function.
    public class func frequencies<T, U: Equatable>(array: [T], function: (T) -> U) -> [U: Int] {
        var result = [U: Int]()
        for elem in array {
            let key = function(elem)
            if let freq = result[key] {
                result[key] = freq + 1
            } else {
                result[key] = 1
        return result

    /// The identity function. Returns the argument it is given.
    /// :param arg Value to return
    /// :return Argument that was passed
    public class func id<T>(arg: T) -> T {
        return arg

    /// Gets the index at which the first occurrence of value is found.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param value Value whose index needs to be found.
    /// :return Index of the element otherwise returns nil if not found.
    public class func indexOf<T: Equatable>(array: [T], value: T) -> Int? {
        return self.findIndex(array) { $0 == value }

    /// Gets all but the last element or last n elements of an array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param numElements The number of elements to ignore in the end.
    /// :return Array of initial values.
    public class func initial<T>(array: [T], numElements: Int = 1) -> [T] {
        var result: [T] = []
        if (array.count > numElements) {
            for index in 0..<(array.count - numElements) {
                result += array[index]
        return result

    /// Creates an array of unique values present in all provided arrays.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to perform an intersection on.
    /// :return Intersection of all arrays passed.
    public class func intersection<T : Hashable>(arrays: [T]...) -> [T] {
        var map : [T: Int] = [T: Int]()
        for arr in arrays {
            for elem in arr {
                if let val : Int = map[elem] {
                    map[elem] = val + 1
                } else {
                    map[elem] = 1
        var result : [T] = []
        let count = arrays.count
        for (key, value) in map {
            if value == count {
                result += key
        return result

    /// Joins the elements in the array to create a concatenated element of the same type.
    /// :param array The array to join the elements of.
    /// :param separator The separator to join the elements with.
    /// :return Joined element from the array of elements.
    public class func join<T: ExtensibleCollection>(array: [T], separator: T) -> T {
        return Swift.join(separator, reinterpretCast(array) as [T])

    /// Creates an array of keys given a dictionary.
    /// :param dictionary The dictionary to source from.
    /// :return Array of keys from dictionary.
    public class func keys<T, U>(dictionary: [T: U]) -> [T] {
        var result : [T] = []
        for (key, _) in dictionary {
            result.insert(key, atIndex: 0)
        return result

    /// Gets the last element from the array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return Last element from the array.
    public class func last<T>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        if array.isEmpty {
            return nil
        } else {
            return array[array.count - 1]

    /// Gets the index at which the last occurrence of value is found.
    /// param: array:: The array to source from.
    /// :param value The value whose last index needs to be found.
    /// :return Last index of element if found otherwise returns nil.
    public class func lastIndexOf<T: Equatable>(array: [T], value: T) -> Int? {
        return self.findLastIndex(array) { $0 == value }

    /// Maps each element to new value based on the map function passed
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param transform The mapping function
    /// :return Array of elements mapped using the map function
    public class func map<T, E>(array: [T], transform: (T) -> E) -> [E] {

    /// Retrieves the maximum value in an array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return Maximum element in array.
    public class func max<T : Comparable>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        var maxVal = array[0]
        for elem in array {
            if maxVal < elem {
                maxVal = elem
        return maxVal

    /// Get memoized function to improve performance
    /// :param function The function to memoize.
    /// :return Memoized function
    public class func memoize<T: Hashable, U>(function: ((T -> U), T) -> U) -> (T -> U) {
        var cache = [T: U]()
        var funcRef: (T -> U)!
        funcRef = { (param : T) -> U in
            if let cacheVal = cache[param] {
                return cacheVal
            } else {
                cache[param] = function(funcRef, param)
                return cache[param]!
        return funcRef

    /// Merge dictionaries together, later dictionaries overiding earlier values of keys.
    /// :param dictionaries The dictionaries to source from.
    /// :return Merged dictionary with all of its keys and values.
    public class func merge<T, U>(#dictionaries: [T: U]...) -> [T: U] {
        var result = [T: U]()
        for dict in dictionaries {
            for (key, value) in dict {
                result[key] = value
        return result

    /// Merge arrays together in the supplied order.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to source from.
    /// :return Array with all values merged, including duplicates.
    public class func merge<T>(#arrays: [T]...) -> [T] {
        var result = [T]()
        for arr in arrays {
            result += arr
        return result

    /// Retrieves the minimum value in an array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return Minimum value from array.
    public class func min<T : Comparable>(array: [T]) -> T? {
        var minVal = array[0]
        for elem in array {
            if minVal > elem {
                minVal = elem
        return minVal

    /// A no-operation function.
    /// :return nil.
    public class func noop() -> AnyObject? {
        return nil

    /// Creates a shallow clone of a dictionary excluding the specified keys.
    /// :param dictionary The dictionary to source from.
    /// :param keys The keys to omit from returning dictionary.
    /// :return Dictionary with the keys specified omitted.
    public class func omit<T, U>(dictionary: [T: U], keys: T...) -> [T: U] {
        var result : [T: U] = [T: U]()

        for (key, value) in dictionary {
            if !self.contains(keys, value: key) {
                result[key] = value
        return result

    /// Get the first object in the wrapper object.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :return First element from the array.
    public class func partial<T, E> (function: (T...) -> E, _ parameters: T...) -> ((T...) -> E) {
        return { (params: T...) -> E in
            return function(reinterpretCast(parameters + params))

    /// Produces an array of arrays, each containing n elements, each offset by step.
    /// If the final partition is not n elements long it is dropped.
    /// :param array The array to partition.
    /// :param n The number of elements in each partition.
    /// :param step The number of elements to progress between each partition. Set to n if not supplied.
    /// :return Array partitioned into n element arrays, starting step elements apart.
    public class func partition<T>(array: [T], var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [[T]] {
        var result = [[T]]()
        if !step?   { step = n } // If no step is supplied move n each step.
        if step < 1 { step = 1 } // Less than 1 results in an infinite loop.
        if n < 1    { n = 0 }    // Allow 0 if user wants [[],[],[]] for some reason.
        if n > array.count { return [[]] }

        for i in self.range(0, endVal: array.count - n, incrementBy: step!) {
            result += Array(array[i..<(i+n)] as Slice<T>)
        return result

    /// Produces an array of arrays, each containing n elements, each offset by step.
    /// :param array The array to partition.
    /// :param n The number of elements in each partition.
    /// :param step The number of elements to progress between each partition. Set to n if not supplied.
    /// :param pad An array of elements to pad the last partition if it is not long enough to
    ///            contain n elements. If nil is passed or there are not enough pad elements
    ///            the last partition may less than n elements long.
    /// :return Array partitioned into n element arrays, starting step elements apart.
    public class func partition<T>(var array: [T], var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil, pad: [T]?) -> [[T]] {
        var result : [[T]] = []
        if !step?   { step = n } // If no step is supplied move n each step.
        if step < 1 { step = 1 } // Less than 1 results in an infinite loop.
        if n < 1    { n = 0 }    // Allow 0 if user wants [[],[],[]] for some reason.

        for i in self.range(0, endVal: array.count, incrementBy: step!) {
            var end = i+n
            if end > array.count { end = array.count }
            result += Array(array[i..<end] as Slice<T>)
            if end != i+n { break }

        if let padding = pad {
            let remain = array.count%n
            let end = padding.count > remain ? remain : padding.count
            result[result.count-1] += Array(padding[0..<end] as Slice<T>)
        return result

    /// Produces an array of arrays, each containing n elements, each offset by step.
    /// :param array The array to partition.
    /// :param n The number of elements in each partition.
    /// :param step The number of elements to progress between each partition. Set to n if not supplied.
    /// :return Array partitioned into n element arrays, starting step elements apart.
    public class func partitionAll<T>(array: [T], var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [[T]] {
        var result = [[T]]()
        if !step?   { step = n } // If no step is supplied move n each step.
        if step < 1 { step = 1 } // Less than 1 results in an infinite loop.
        if n < 1    { n = 0 }    // Allow 0 if user wants [[],[],[]] for some reason.

        for i in self.range(0, endVal: array.count, incrementBy: step!) {
            var end = i+n
            if end > array.count { end = array.count }
            result += Array(array[i..<end] as Slice<T>)
        return result

    /// Applies function to each element in array, splitting it each time function returns a new value.
    /// :param array The array to partition.
    /// :param function Function which takes an element and produces an equatable result.
    /// :return Array partitioned in order, splitting via results of function.
    public class func partitionBy<T, U: Equatable>(array: [T], function: (T) -> U) -> [[T]] {
        var result = [[T]]()
        var lastValue: U? = nil

        for item in array {
            let value = function(item)

            if value == lastValue? {
                result[result.count-1] += item
            } else {
                lastValue = value
        return result

    /// Creates a shallow clone of a dictionary composed of the specified keys.
    /// :param dictionary The dictionary to source from.
    /// :param keys The keys to pick values from.
    /// :return Dictionary with the key and values picked from the keys specified.
    public class func pick<T, U>(dictionary: [T: U], keys: T...) -> [T: U] {
        var result : [T: U] = [T: U]()
        for key in keys {
            result[key] = dictionary[key]
        return result

    /// Retrieves the value of a specified property from all elements in the array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param value The property on object to pull out value from.
    /// :return Array of values from array of objects with property of value.
    public class func pluck<T, E>(array: [[T: E]], value: T) -> [E] {
        var result : [E] = []
        for obj in array {
            if let val = obj[value] {
                result += val
        return result

    /// Removes all provided values from the given array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return Array with values pulled out.
    public class func pull<T : Equatable>(array: [T], values: T...) -> [T] {
        return self.pull(array, values: values)

    /// Removes all provided values from the given array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param values The values to remove.
    /// :return Array with values pulled out.
    public class func pull<T : Equatable>(array: [T], values: [T]) -> [T] {
        return array.filter { !self.contains(values, value: $0) }

    /// Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from start up to but not including end.
    /// :param endVal End value of range.
    /// :return Array of elements based on the sequence starting from 0 to endVal and incremented by 1.
    public class func range<T : Strideable where T : IntegerLiteralConvertible>(endVal: T) -> [T] {
        return self.range(0, endVal: endVal)

    /// Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from start up to but not including end.
    /// :param startVal Start value of range
    /// :param endVal End value of range
    /// :return Array of elements based on the sequence that is incremented by 1
    public class func range<T : Strideable where T.Stride : IntegerLiteralConvertible>(startVal: T, endVal: T) -> [T] {
        return self.range(startVal, endVal: endVal, incrementBy: 1)

    /// Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from start up to but not including end.
    /// :param startVal Start value of range.
    /// :param endVal End value of range.
    /// :param incrementBy Increment sequence by.
    /// :return Array of elements based on the sequence.
    public class func range<T : Strideable>(startVal: T, endVal: T, incrementBy: T.Stride) -> [T] {
        var range = Swift.stride(from: startVal, to: endVal, by: incrementBy)
        return self.sequence(range)

    /// Reduce function that will resolve to one value after performing combine function on all elements
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param initial Initial value to seed the reduce function with
    /// :param combine Function that will combine the passed value with element in the array
    /// :return The result of reducing all of the elements in the array into one value
    public class func reduce<U, T>(array: [T], initial: U, combine: (U, T) -> U) -> U {
        return array.reduce(initial, combine: combine)

    /// Creates an array of an arbitrary sequence. Especially useful with builtin ranges.
    /// :param seq The sequence to generate from.
    /// :return Array of elements generated from the sequence.
    public class func sequence<S : Sequence>(seq: S) -> [S.GeneratorType.Element] {
        return Array<S.GeneratorType.Element>(seq)

    /// Removes all elements from an array that the callback returns true.
    /// :param array The array to wrap.
    /// :param iterator Remove elements for which iterator returns true.
    /// :return Array with elements filtered out.
    public class func remove<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> [T] {
        return array.filter { !iterator($0) }

    /// The opposite of initial this method gets all but the first element or first n elements of an array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param numElements The number of elements to exclude from the beginning.
    /// :return The rest of the elements.
    public class func rest<T>(array: [T], numElements: Int = 1) -> [T] {
        var result : [T] = []
        if (numElements < array.count) {
            for index in numElements..<array.count {
                result += array[index]
        return result

    /// Returns a sample from the array.
    /// :param array The array to sample from.
    /// :return Random element from array.
    public class func sample<T>(array: [T]) -> T {
        return array[random() % array.count]

    /// Slices the array based on the start and end position. If an end position is not specified it will slice till the end of the array.
    /// :param array The array to slice.
    /// :param start Start index.
    /// :param end End index.
    /// :return First element from the array.
    public class func slice<T>(array: [T], start: Int, end: Int = 0) -> [T] {
        var uend = end;
        if (uend == 0) {
            uend = array.count;

        if end > array.count || start > array.count || uend < start {
            return [];
        } else {
            return Array(array[start..<uend]);

    /// Gives the smallest index at which a value should be inserted into a given the array is sorted.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param value Find sorted index of this value.
    /// :return Index of where the elemnt should be inserted.
    public class func sortedIndex<T : Comparable>(array: [T], value: T) -> Int {
        for (index, elem) in enumerate(array) {
            if elem > value {
                return index
        return array.count

    /// Invokes interceptor with the object and then returns object.
    /// :param object Object to tap into.
    /// :param function Callback function to invoke.
    /// :return Returns the object back.
    public class func tap<T>(object: T, function: (T) -> ()) -> T {
        return object

    /// Call a function n times and also passes the index. If a value is returned
    /// in the function then the times method will return an array of those values.
    /// :param n Number of times to call function.
    /// :param function The function to be called every time.
    /// :return Values returned from callback function.
    public class func times<T>(n: Int, function: () -> T) -> [T] {
        return self.times(n) { (index: Int) -> T in
            return function()

    /// Call a function n times and also passes the index. If a value is returned
    /// in the function then the times method will return an array of those values.
    /// :param n Number of times to call function.
    /// :param function The function to be called every time.
    public class func times(n: Int, function: () -> ()) {
        self.times(n) { (index: Int) -> () in

    /// Call a function n times and also passes the index. If a value is returned
    /// in the function then the times method will return an array of those values.
    /// :param n Number of times to call function.
    /// :param function The function to be called every time that takes index.
    /// :return Values returned from callback function.
    public class func times<T>(n: Int, function: (Int) -> T) -> [T] {
        var result : [T] = []
        for index in (0..<n) {
            result += function(index)
        return result

    /// Creates an array of unique values, in order, of the provided arrays.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to perform union on.
    /// :return Resulting array after union.
    public class func union<T : Hashable>(arrays: [T]...) -> [T] {
        var map : [T: Bool] = [T: Bool]()
        for arr in arrays {
            for elem in arr {
                map[elem] = true
        var result : [T] = []
        for key in map.keys {
            result += key
        return result

    /// Creates a duplicate-value-free version of an array.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :return An array with unique values.
    public class func uniq<T : Hashable>(array: [T]) -> [T] {
        var map : [T: Bool] = [T: Bool]()
        for elem in array {
            map[elem] = true
        var result : [T] = []
        for key in map.keys {
            result += key
        return result

    /// Creates an array of values of a given dictionary.
    /// :param dictionary The dictionary to source from.
    /// :return An array of values from the dictionary.
    public class func values<T, U>(dictionary: [T: U]) -> [U] {
        var result : [U] = []
        for (_, value) in dictionary {
            result.insert(value, atIndex: 0)
        return result

    /// Creates an array excluding all provided values.
    /// :param array The array to source from.
    /// :param values Values to exclude.
    /// :return Array excluding provided values.
    public class func without<T : Equatable>(array: [T], values: T...) -> [T] {
        return self.pull(array, values: values)

    /// Creates an array that is the symmetric difference of the provided arrays.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to perform xor on in order.
    /// :return Resulting array after performing xor.
    public class func xor<T : Hashable>(arrays: [T]...) -> [T] {
        var map : [T: Bool] = [T: Bool]()
        for arr in arrays {
            for elem in arr {
                map[elem] = !map[elem]
        var result : [T] = []
        for (key, value) in map {
            if value {
                result += key
        return result

    /// Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first elements
    /// of the given arrays.
    /// :param arrays The arrays to be grouped.
    /// :return An array of grouped elements.
    public class func zip(arrays: [AnyObject]...) -> [AnyObject] {
        var result: [[AnyObject]] = []
        for _ in self.first(arrays) as [AnyObject] {
            result += [] as [AnyObject]
        for (index, array) in enumerate(arrays) {
            for (elemIndex, elem : AnyObject) in enumerate(array) {
                result[elemIndex] += elem
        return result

    /// Creates an object composed from arrays of keys and values.
    /// :param keys The array of keys.
    /// :param values The array of values.
    /// :return Dictionary based on the keys and values passed in order.
    public class func zipObject<T, E>(keys: [T], values: [E]) -> [T: E] {
        var result = [T: E]()
        for (index, key) in enumerate(keys) {
            result[key] = values[index]
        return result

    // my contribution :)
    public class func findAll<T>(array: [T], iterator: (T) -> Bool) -> [T]! {
        var res = [T]()
        for elem in array {
            let result = iterator(elem)
            if result {
                res += elem
        return res


public typealias $ = Dollar```

thats all i did
ankurp commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the delay. You can import directly by dragging the Framework from Product folder as seen in this gif:

Importing Dollar

CrabDude commented 10 years ago

@ankurp Thanks for the gif. The import is now working, but I'm getting:

Use of unresolved identifier '$'

I've tried redoing the import, restarting Xcode, etc... but none are working.

ankurp commented 10 years ago

Then best would be to just drag the Dollar.swift file into your project. I will need to figure out why the framework is not working.

CrabDude commented 10 years ago

From a fresh clone and Xcode 6 beta 4...

From the gif it looks like you're using the workspace, but when I open Dollar.xcworkspace the Dollar.Framework is red and nested within the Cent project. There's no Dollar/ and thus no Dollar/Products, only a Dollar.xcodeproj.

screen shot 2014-07-31 at 3 02 33 pm

Alternatively, opening Dollar.xcodeproj is where I grabbed Dollar/Proiducts/Dollar.framework from, which fixed the import issue, results in unresolved identifier '$'.

ankurp commented 10 years ago

So the Dollar.framework is generated only after you build Dollar project in workspace. Try that and then copy the Dollar.framework from the Product folder of Dollar Xcode project.

CrabDude commented 10 years ago

So... Sorry if these are stupid questions, but running cmd+B, Product>Clearn/Build all fail, and there's no Dollar scheme, only a Cent and CentTests scheme...

So... I don't know how to build Dollar.framework in the workspace. Does it matter whether it's built through opening the workspace or the project?

I tried creating a new project, since the first one was created with beta 1, but that didn't help.

Inexplicably, Dollar.framework started showing up in the workspace (not sure why) and adding it to the project fixes the compile errors, but now I'm getting:

ld: building for iOS Simulator, but linking against dylib built for MacOSX file '/Users/crabdude/Dropbox/impromptu/projects/ImpromptuMVP/Dollar.framework/Dollar' for architecture x86_64

I'm assuming because it's build for OSX 10.10, but changing the build architecture to iOS results in Dollar.framework turning red. Build for Active Architecture had no affect as well.

So, in summary, the only thing that's been able to work for me for iOS is @ccorcos' solution.

ankurp commented 10 years ago

Yes open the workspace folder and you will see Dollar Scheme. I would say best solution is what @ccorcos said drag the Dollar.swift file into your Xcode project for now while I try to figure out a better way to import this.

screen shot 2014-07-31 at 8 02 45 pm