Code for generating synthetic text images as described in "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman, CVPR 2016.
Hello, I am not sure if you are the author of this paper, and I have some problems at present. I'm trying to visualize the softmax normalized attention weights ā as the Figure 3 in the CTX paper.
I couldn't find the proper codes for this visualizing task anywhere in the repo. Can you please provide codes for this?
Or at least give me some guideline for implementi
I indeed am. However would like to limit the discussion here to topics relevant to SynthText.
Please email us your query —- email ids are given in the paper.
Hello, I am not sure if you are the author of this paper, and I have some problems at present. I'm trying to visualize the softmax normalized attention weights ā as the Figure 3 in the CTX paper. I couldn't find the proper codes for this visualizing task anywhere in the repo. Can you please provide codes for this? Or at least give me some guideline for implementi