anlek / mongify

Mongify allows you to map your data from a sql database and into a mongodb document database.
MIT License
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mongoDB User in database.config #155

Closed robertangeles closed 6 years ago

robertangeles commented 6 years ago

Hi. What user does mongify use when it starts processing translation files? I've encountered a couple of issues related to permission similar #129 when running mongoDB as a service and running mongify. But if I just call mongod in the shell and run mongify, no permission issues.



anlek commented 6 years ago

That's a great question Rob, and it's a bit outside of my full understanding (Unix related things). Best guess is it runs under the current user (aka run whoami in your terminal to see the user). I'd assume your system is starting up MongoDB and that might be running under root. However, I can't think of a reason it should prevent you from actually using Mongify with your database.

Issue #129 has a permission problem inside the database. The connection details (aka your noSqlConnection details) you've provided to connect to the DB don't allow modifications that Mongify is trying to do. The reason it works when you start it up MongoDB locally is probably due to it running a different database altogether.

Hope that helps, good luck.
