anlek / mongify

Mongify allows you to map your data from a sql database and into a mongodb document database.
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Timed out waiting on socket read. (Mongo::OperationTimeout) #162

Open HellBakedMiasma opened 6 years ago

HellBakedMiasma commented 6 years ago

I have two mysql databases, one is relatively small (db1), about 500 000 records, the second contains more than 3.5 million records (db2).

Using mongify to copy the first into mongodb succeeds as intented, while copying the latter yields the following error after having created the tables, copied the records, updated the references, and removed "pre_mongified_id"s from half the collections :

/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/mongo-1.12.5/lib/mongo/networking.rb:336:in `rescue in receive_message_on_socket': Timed out waiting on socket read. (Mongo::OperationTimeout)

i'm on debian stretch using mongodb version 3.2.11.

anlek commented 6 years ago

Could be an issue with RAM... maybe manually remove the pre_mongified_id field? or is other data missing?

Dylan2388 commented 4 years ago

I'm facing the same above error. Where can I remove the pre_mongified_id field manually?

anlek commented 4 years ago

pre_mongified_id gets removed as the last step of the move process