anmonteiro / lumo

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Create new top-level function to describe REPL-capabilities #111

Open slipset opened 7 years ago

slipset commented 7 years ago

In working on I see that we need to take different code-paths depending on which REPL we're interacting with. example:

(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo
  "(doall (map str (lumo.repl/get-completions \"%s\")))\n"
  "Lumo form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
  :type 'string
  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))

(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form-planck
  "(planck.repl/get-completions \"%s\")\n"
  "Planck form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
  :type 'string
  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))

(defun inf-clojure-completion-form ()
  "Return the form to query inferior Clojure for a var's documentation.
If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most approapriate
`inf-clojure-completion-form` variant."
  (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type (inf-clojure-proc))
    (`lumo inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo)
    (`planck inf-clojure-completion-form-planck)
    (_ inf-clojure-completion-form)))

If each REPL had a function like capabilities, which delivered a map (or something) which described the capabilities of the REPL along with the functions to invoke for those capabilities, the life of tools like inf-clojure would be simpler.

arichiardi commented 7 years ago

this is good, but then all the repls should agree on this protocol -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

arichiardi commented 7 years ago

Great proposal from @cgrand on Slack:

  (find-ns 'lumo.repl) :lumo
  (find-ns 'planck.repl) :lumo
  :else :clj)
cgrand commented 7 years ago

Currently find-ns has undesirable side-effects. (See This expression should be safe:

  (find-ns ' :clj
  (find-ns ' :cljr
  (find-ns 'lumo.repl$macros) :lumo
  (find-ns 'planck.repl$macros) :planck
  (find-ns 'cljs.core$macros) :cljs-js
  (find-ns 'cljs.core) :cljs-jvm
  :else :unknown)