anna-is-cute / plugin-issues

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Chat 2 Chat Focus Toggle #61

Closed eksynn closed 1 year ago

eksynn commented 1 year ago

i understand Chat 2 is meant to be a "complete replacer" to the original chat UI (OCUI), but as much as I love 99% of the features of Chat 2, I still greatly prefer how the OCUI used to look. I've no real need for more tabs than the original one provides.. at least not yet. not while I still figure things out and focus on other things. so, I offer two suggestions on how to resolve this, both of which can be done together, without one replacing the other: • first, add a button to copy the tabs and channels from the OCUI to Chat 2. Copying all of the channels over to Chat 2 is such a pain that I "haven't got around to it yet". • lastly and probably easiest to do, please add a check box to allow the focus to go to the OCUI instead of Chat 2 as a toggle in the settings (with the default leading to Chat 2 so as not to affect anyone who updates to it), allowing the user to use the best features of chat 2 with the OCUI

edit: I understand that this is not the place to go to in order to request features, but having been directed to this github to post this request, I've no idea where else to go.

anna-is-cute commented 1 year ago


eksynn commented 1 year ago


neither one? how come?

anna-is-cute commented 1 year ago

I do not accept feature requests.