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[Chat2] - right click context menu buggy/causes game crash #80

Open sukixiv opened 1 year ago

sukixiv commented 1 year ago

Example of right-clicking a name - chat tabs, the area to type and timestamps disappear: 1

Right clicking also was causing a crash but hasn't done so since deleting Chat.DB (in regards to #74).

Also, am not sure if it was always like this but it seems like there may be options missing in this menu that the vanilla chat would have, like report/invite to NN network and such.

Update -- Still experiencing this after plug-in latest update, seemed like it was alright for awhile but right-clicking on names is causing crashes again.

Absolutioo commented 11 months ago

Hi, i experience the right click crash quite frequently even after deleting the chat.db. It gives out an error like this:

Unhandled native exception occurred at cimgui.dll+64466 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0x5C7BF) Code: C0000005 Time: 2023-08-09 04:02:09.8387031 GMT+2

at ImGuiNET.ImGuiNative.igTableNextColumn()

at ImGuiNET.ImGuiNative.igTableNextColumn()

at ChatTwo.Ui.ChatLog.DrawMessageLog(Tab tab, PayloadHandler handler, Single childHeight, Boolean switchedTab)

at ChatTwo.Ui.ChatLog.DrawTabBar()

at ChatTwo.Ui.ChatLog.DrawChatLog()

at ChatTwo.Ui.ChatLog.Draw()

at ChatTwo.PluginUi.Draw()

at Dalamud.Utility.EventHandlerExtensions.HandleInvoke(Action act)

at Dalamud.Utility.EventHandlerExtensions.InvokeSafely(Action act)

at Dalamud.Interface.UiBuilder.OnDraw()

at ImGuiScene.RawDX11Scene.Render()

at Dalamud.Interface.Internal.InterfaceManager.PresentDetour(IntPtr swapChain, UInt32 syncInterval, UInt32 presentFlags)

at Dalamud.Game.Framework.HandleFrameworkUpdate(IntPtr framework)

Exception Info #0 Address: C0000005 Flags: 0 Address: 7FF91B1F4466 Parameters: 1, 0 Call Stack { [0] cimgui.dll+64466 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0x5C7BF) [1] cimgui.dll+64466 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0x5C7BF) [2] cimgui.dll+BB48B (igTreeNodeBehavior+0xB37E4) [3] cimgui.dll+BE654 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0xB69AD) [4] 7FF8CCFC70E5 [5] 1 [6] coreclr.dll+40ABB8 (coreclr_shutdown+0x4B478) [7] A5F84FF458 [8] 7FF8C4915108 [9] cimgui.dll+0 [10] 7D9F215CD9B7 [11] coreclr.dll+40ABB8 (coreclr_shutdown+0x4B478) [12] A5F84FF458 [13] 7FF8C4914FC8 }

Registers { RAX: 0 RBX: 2307C388698 [1B00000001] RCX: 2307C9726B0 [100000000] RDX: 2307C9726B0 [100000000] R8: 2 R9: 0 R10: 7FF8C4914FC8 [208A015E03D00D97] R11: 8014 R12: 0 R13: 0 R14: 0 R15: 1EF72400218 [7FF8C31AFD00] RSI: 23070140668 [8801001400194] RDI: 2307C3883D0 [23087AF2F10] RBP: 2307C3884E8 [4489400041800000] RSP: A5F84FE550 [8] RIP: cimgui.dll+64466 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0x5C7BF) }

Stack { [RSP+0] 8 [RSP+8] A5F84FE5D8 [7FF8CCFC70E5] [RSP+10] 4489400041800000 [RSP+18] 44AB800042CE0000 [RSP+20] 230A2E02EB0 [42A6000000304018] [RSP+28] cimgui.dll+BB48B (igTreeNodeBehavior+0xB37E4) [RSP+30] 40800000 [RSP+38] 0 [RSP+40] 4 [RSP+48] 7FF8CFA1F6AE [17DB3D83010C43C6] [RSP+50] 230701406E4 [FFFF000000000000] [RSP+58] cimgui.dll+BE654 (igTreeNodeBehavior+0xB69AD) [RSP+60] 23070140668 [8801001400194] [RSP+68] A5F84FE690 [A5F84FE890] [RSP+70] 23058B5F8D0 [RSP+78] 7D9F215CD9B7 }