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[Chat2] /dice unavailable #95

Open rcobbe opened 8 months ago

rcobbe commented 8 months ago

I can't use the /dice command in Chat2: every time I try, I get the error The command “/dice” is unavailable at this time. Disabling Chat2 and trying again in the built-in chat window works fine. I can reproduce this behavior whether or not I'm in a party, and regardless of which tab I'm in, and regardless of whether I'm typing in party chat, FC chat, or shout chat. (I'm pretty sure the command itself only ever prints itself to party chat, which is fine; I'm just trying to provide as much info as I can in the hope that it'll help diagnose the issue.)

This is Chat2 v1.18.10.0.

I want to say I've been able to use /dice in Chat2 in the past, but unfortunately I don't remember how long ago that was, whether I've upgraded Chat2 in the interim, or if there were any other changes since then.