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[Chat 2] Uncaught exception in ChatMessage hook #97

Open mustafakalash opened 6 months ago

mustafakalash commented 6 months ago

I have been having the following issues, which do not reoccur if Chat 2 is disabled:

This is the only exception I have in my logs:

13:06:08.883 ERR | [ChatGui] Exception on OnChatMessage hook.
13:06:08.883 ERR | System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.Engine.IndexService.AddNode(CollectionIndex index, BsonValue key, PageAddress dataBlock, Byte level, IndexNode last)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.Engine.IndexService.AddNode(CollectionIndex index, BsonValue key, PageAddress dataBlock, IndexNode last)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.Engine.LiteEngine.InsertDocument(Snapshot snapshot, BsonDocument doc, BsonAutoId autoId, IndexService indexer, DataService data)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.Engine.LiteEngine.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<Insert>b__0(TransactionService transaction)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.Engine.LiteEngine.AutoTransaction[T](Func`2 fn)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at LiteDB.LiteCollection`1.Insert(T entity)
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at ChatTwo.Store.AddMessage(Message message, Tab currentTab) in /work/repo/ChatTwo/Store.cs:line 290
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at ChatTwo.Store.ChatMessage(XivChatType type, UInt32 senderId, SeString sender, SeString message) in /work/repo/ChatTwo/Store.cs:line 368
13:06:08.883 ERR |    at Dalamud.Game.Gui.ChatGui.HandlePrintMessageDetour(RaptureLogModule* manager, XivChatType chatType, Utf8String* sender, Utf8String* message, Int32 timestamp, Byte silent) in C:\goatsoft\companysecrets\dalamud\Game\Gui\ChatGui.cs:line 360

Thank you!

mustafakalash commented 6 months ago

Deleting the database files seems to have solved the issue.