integrate taxize.
Taxize is an ROpenSci toolbelt for working with taxonomies. It's functions procide direct links to online databases of taxonomic information can be used to:
auto correct species names: input errors with fuzzy matching
search for synonyms: Preliminary work has found that there are still synonym matching siloes within the framework which would be good address. There are also further online sources of information that could be integrated. eg in the projects I've been working on, I heavily queried [avibase]() to manually assign unmatched data points to species in the master species list. A first starting point could be to gather the details of potential further sources to integrate. Hearing from different communities about resources available in their specific fields would be greatly welcomed
build database of synonym links, use as network: To remove siloes between different sources of synonym data, it would be could to try and build project specific databases of synonym links and query it as a network of synonym associations. Recording and managing taxonomic metadata on synonym links would be a desired feature
is an ROpenSci toolbelt for working with taxonomies. It's functions procide direct links to online databases of taxonomic information can be used to: