anniesch / jtt

Code for "Just Train Twice: Improving Group Robustness without Training Group Information"
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The commands for Civil-Comments #5

Open ghzhang233 opened 2 years ago

ghzhang233 commented 2 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your brilliant work, and I really like it, but I've met some problems during reproducing the results.

I noticed that the commands for Civil-Comments in the README are not consistent with those reported in the paper. For example, for the initial model, the learning rate is 1e-5 while it's 2e-5 in README. Batch size and Num Epoch are also different. Besides, it was said in another issue that should be used for evaluation rather than the as stated in README.

Could you please provide the commands with the exact same hyper-parameter settings as reported in the paper? I really appreciate your help! Thank you so much :)