Seems like there might be a bug in the code. I get the same error message when trying this on various videos (new and old). Its not isolated to the N. marunguensis videos.
/usr/local/bin/python3.7 /Users/maxwellshafer/cichlid-analysis/cichlidanalysis/tracking/
Update background? y/n:
Track videos? y/n:
Track all videos? y/n:
Didn't find remade background, will use original background in camera folder
Track with another roi? y/n:
/Volumes/BZ/Scientific Data/RG-AS04-Data01/Cichlid_sleep_videos/FISH20210505_LT_Neolon/20210505_c3_Neolamprologus-longicaudatus/roi_file.yaml
{'cam_ID': '19503389', 'roi_0': (130, 195, 528, 752), 'roi_1': (656, 193, 544, 752)}
/Volumes/BZ/Scientific Data/RG-AS04-Data01/Cichlid_sleep_videos/FISH20210505_LT_Neolon/20210505_c3_Neolamprologus-longicaudatus/FISH20210505_c3_r0_Neolamprologus-longicaudatus_su/roi_file.yaml
couldn't find roi_file.yaml in folder: /Volumes/BZ/Scientific Data/RG-AS04-Data01/Cichlid_sleep_videos/FISH20210505_LT_Neolon/20210505_c3_Neolamprologus-longicaudatus/FISH20210505_c3_r0_Neolamprologus-longicaudatus_su
called Tcl_FindHashEntry on deleted table
Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT)
Seems like there might be a bug in the code. I get the same error message when trying this on various videos (new and old). Its not isolated to the N. marunguensis videos.
Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT)