annotation / mondriaan

Proeftuin: a dozen or so of Mondriaan letters in a dataset of text + annotations
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Separate panels #1

Open dirkroorda opened 1 year ago

dirkroorda commented 1 year ago

Translations, notes, and choice/add/del elements should be taken out of the main flow of the text.

On the interface we need several panels, one for the main flow, and several for the other flows.

There are links between the data in the various flows, for example the paragraph ids in main and translation flows define the correspondence.

We need:

There are other concerns: what should be indexed in what index? How many separate indexes do we need?

pboot commented 1 year ago

Translations, notes, and choice/add/del elements should be taken out of the main flow of the text.

Choice/add/del can remain in main flow

For now we propose these panels

There are other concerns: what should be indexed in what index? How many separate indexes do we need?

The indexes maybe deserve their own issue.

dirkroorda commented 1 year ago

What about the divs with type postalData ?

pboot commented 1 year ago

Sources of panels (in XML terms) original text: from /TEI/text/body/div[@type='original'] translated text: from /TEI/text/body/div[@type='translation'] notes: from TEI/standOff/listAnnotation[xml:lang='en'] title panel: from /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title metadata: from /TEI/teiHeader postalData: from /TEI/text/body/div[@type='postalData']

Most important indications for rendering:

To be treated as div: listAnnotation, postscript

To be treated as paragraph: opener, closer, p, address, note

To be treated as alternatives (e.g. first option in text, second as alt text): choice with underlying elements (orig and reg, abbr and expan, multiple unclears)

Other remarks

Content of metadata panel for now: All TEI elements below /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc and /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/profileDesc: if the element has non-whitespace text content, to be displayed as element name colon text content e.g. name: Gerrit Willem Knap

pboot commented 1 year ago

W.r.t. the alternatives: more detail in issue 19: